14. I Lust You

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Nandini's POV

Holding my waist pulling me close he kissed me, yeah it is what he did he kissed me. I was too shocked to take any action.

As I was back to my senses I pushed him back and slapped him hard.

"What you think you're doing huh?" I shouted on top of my voice.

He looked down then up trying to hold his anger or whatever it was. He kept his hand on his forehead calming his nerves.

"I'm sorry Nandini I didn't mean to it jus-"

"Shut up and get out of my room"

"I said I'm sorry it-"

"I said get out of my room" I said pushing him out and closing the door behind.

I went to the bathroom washing my face rubbing my lips. I was in tears I want to kill him for this I wish I could do something to him.

I came out of the room. I'm angry on him I want to do something. I went to his room without knocking I entered inside. He was sitting on bed holding his head.

"What you think of yourself? How dare kiss me?" I asked. He stood up trying to talk but I showed him my hand. "Don't, don't even try to make any excuse. I get to know your intension on keeping me here you want to use me, Right?"

"It's nothing the way you're thinking I just... I couldn't control my emotions-"

"Your emotions? Hahaha do you even know the meaning of this word? I don't think so"

"Nandini don't try to piss me off"

"Or else? Will you kiss me again? Or will you rape me-"

"Enough" he shouted on my face. I took a step back

"Shout... Shout as much as you want I don't care... You have to answer me why? What kind of emotion touched you to take advantage of situation" I shouted back.

"Lust" I had no words to say further "You heard me? Lust I lust you not from today not yesterday but from the day I saw you and that day when I saw you in that black dress I wanted to rip it off and fuck you hard" I closed my eyes listening such dirty words for myself "Now you understand what emotion touched me I couldn't control myself and I kissed you... So what will you do?"

"Shame on you, shame on you to take advantage of my helplessness, shame on you" Saying so I left from there.

The next day I didn't left the room. The door knocked many times but I didn't answered anyone.

"Nandini" The door knocked again and this time it was Ayza. "Nandu open the door its me" I ran to the door and opened it. She came inside and I hugged her tightly.

"How are you?" I asked kissing her cheek.

"I'm fine how are you? Lily told me you were ill"

"Yeah but now I'm fine come"

"You know Emir didn't let me meet you but today he allowed"


"You are fine right? You are looking so pale"

"Its nothing I'm just tired"

"Why didn't you came for breakfast then?"

"I wasn't hungry"

"Okay, let's go out somewhere what do you Say?"

"Maybe some other day I'm not feeling good"

"But today is off and I want to enjoy" She made sad face.

"You can go with Lilly she will take you wherever you want"

"Hmm... I'm going then you do rest"

"Are you angry with me?"

"No I know you're not well so its okay I'll go with Lilly" I smiled and she hugged me.

"Okay then enjoy" she nodded and left the room but before I could close the door he entered from nowhere.

"Leave" I said trying to close the door but he was stronger then me.

"I want to talk"

"But I don't want to so leave"

"But I'll talk" he locked the door behind.

Last night I thought alot about his words and I came on a conclusion that if I give him what he wants then maybe he will let me go but... I have to give myself to him which is very hard for me to do

"What it is?" I asked

"Look last night whatever happened was a mistake I... I never touched a girl without her permission-"

"But you touched me"

"I know and... I'm sorry for that" I was shocked to listen his words. I heard wrong maybe, he said sorry? Emir Kapoor said sorry?


"I said I'm sorry for last night for the kiss. Those words I said to you is not a lie I lust you I wanna do everything to you but... Not with a force"

"Are you even serious? You think I'll give myself to a person like you whom I hate from the bottom of my heart, Never"

"I know and that is why I'm apologizing I don't regret kissing you. I regret kissing you without your permission"

"Get out Emir"

"I won't tell me"


"That you forgive me" I chuckled

"I didn't now get out" I pushed him towards the door and he sighed.

"Alright don't do but... Don't lock yourself in the room go down and eat something for breakfast"

"Why do you care?"

"I do not I just don't want you to die without any reason" he said and left before I could argue further.

I went down and ate my breakfast after that I decided to take a walk in backyard. He wasn't home or maybe he was in that secret room.

I have decided to go with what I decided last night. It's just a matter of one time I know it won't be difficult to do but I will do I will seduce him without letting him know And let him use me one time.

God only the thought of him touching me is so disgusting how will I manage to do such thing?

But I have to I have to just to free myself I have to and I will but I have some other plans too on which I will work

"Emir Kapoor I swear I will finish you and you won't be able to understand what has happened"


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