25. Is he Jealous?

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Nandini's POV

After the breakfast he left to his office room while I sat in the launch watching TV.  He must be planning to kill someone down there I'm sure. I'm missing my mom. I don't know how she must be living without dad. I don't think so she is aware about his death. She thinks I ran away but she doesn't know the truth.


"Huh?" It was Emir.

"Where are you lost? I'm talking to you."

"Nothing" He sat besides me.

"What happened?"

"I don't know what will you think but... I was thinking about my mom. I am missing her. I don't even know if she is aware of Dad's death or not. What she must be doing?" I shared my worries.

"I wish I could bring you there but you know I can't, right?" He said.

"I know and I am not asking you to do such thing. I was just worried for her so..."

"She is aware of Murtiy's death. My men told her." He said and I nodded. Jerk. What pain my mom must be going through? See how easily he is telling me, Idiot.

"You had work to do is it done?" I asked changing the topic.

"Yeah it is, Also Mukti called me they are planning to have some fun tonight so we are going to a club."

"Oh that's good"

"She invited you as well"

"What will I do there? I don't even know them properly and Alya she will definitely kill me so no I'm not coming"

"She won't. Moreover, they all know you will join so yeah she is fine with the plan and you are coming that's final"

"But Emir-"

"No buts and ifs you're coming" He ordered.

"Ok Fine."

"That's like a goof girl."


We entered the club and went to a VIP couch as his friends were sitting there. They all greeted me with a smile, even Alya. We settled down talking, they asked me some questions while I answered them. For them I'm Emir's Cousin but I guess Cabir knows everything about me.

"So Nandini, do you love someone?" Mukti asked. I looked Towards Emir who straighten himself. Is he scared?

"Uhm... I am in love."

"Who is the lucky one?" She asked teasingly.

"He... He..."

"Mukti why are you asking her private questions, maybe she doesn't want to share" Cabir said interrupting me.

"What's the big deal. I am just asking if she doesn't want to share than it's fine"

"I just come" I got up and left towards the bathroom.

I washed my face a few times turning off the tab. Why his discussion doesn't affect me anymore? Why I'm not hurt?

"Nandini" I turned around. It was Emir. "Uhm... I..."

"You fine?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Look I'm sorry, my friends doesn't know anything so she asked such questions. I hope you won't mind"

"No It's okay. It's not her fault" I said.

He moved closer to me taking me in a bone crushing hug. I hugged him back  taking a deep breath.

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