Part One: The Farm

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Violet tossed an apple into the nets below and wiped beading sweat from her forehead. She gazed across the Farm, allowing herself to catch a breath and take in the unhindered view of the orchard.

Identically dressed kids of all ages traversed endless rows of Trees, the tall metal spikes covered in vegetation grew the Farm's produce. After the Trees was a barn in disrepair where the produce was taken. Beyond that sat a decaying mansion where everyone but her lived. She stood on the tips of her toes to find a tiny shed, her home, tucked away beside the patch of woods in the distance.

She turned in a circle, searching for a hazy outline of the wall separating the Farm from anywhere else. The Farm was the only place she had known and the thought of staying there for the rest of her years suddenly made her want to scream. Is this it? Is there truly nowhere else for me?

She bit her lip and raised her head to the sky. The sun beat down on her upturned face and she smiled at the warmth. Please let there be a way out of this. She had this thought so frequently, it was almost her life motto. Violet had endured the Farm for almost sixteen years.

A blaring alarm announced the end of a work day echoed through the crudely built town. Violet scaled the series of ladders and grated metal walkways to swing off the first story of the structure into a graceful roll.

Violet popped back up unscathed, straightening her drab beige uniform before she grabbed a full basket and headed to the rusty red barn at the bottom of the hill. Crowds of youths leaving the orchard dodged her when she came close. Attempting to hide from prying eyes, she tugged her ridiculous sun hat lower on her head and quickened her pace.

Violet's hair had always been a cause for alarm on the Farm, no matter how much time her peers had to get used to it. She could see in her mind's eye the deep purple strands of hair snaking out of her hat. Smooth and unique, her haircut was short at the nape of her neck and tumbled down past her collarbones in long layered wisps. Violet had almost shaved her head once to look more normal, but Zia never let her go through with it.

As she signed herself out for the workday inside the barn, the sweet scent of the fruit around her reminded her of the lunch she never stood a chance to enjoy and her stomach gurgled a complaint. Next to her name she saw a note, "Go see the Director when finished."

She puzzled over this as she hurried down the gravel path towards the House. Why does he need to see me? I can't remember doing anything wrong...

Groups of younger children played games on the lawn, screeching as they ran, trying to get a ball through a gap between two poles. This was one of the only sources of entertainment on the Farm, besides reading. Not many children took the time to learn the skill, though.

Violet caught her breath in front of the doors to the House.

The House was an enormous building that might have been gorgeous at one time. Now, vines twisted around moldy bricks and slid under cracked windows. Trees long dead marred the path leading to the entrance. Upon approaching the front door, the scent of wet wood and smoke was subtle, a remnant of fires fought long ago.

Violet snaked her way up the staircases trying to be invisible while kids streamed in from their various workplaces. Inside, shoes were required for safe passage because the chipped wood flooring was bare and patchy. Her compact stature allowed her to slip in and out of the foot traffic to avoid being more late.

At the top of the stairs was the Director's Office, Violet sighed and tried to flatten her clothes to appear more presentable by combing her fingers through her hair. Holding her sun hat under one arm, she strode down the hallway to the Director's door and raised a hand to knock on the glass. Violet glimpsed a shadow in the door and a second later it swung open.

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