Vi & Z

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When Violet became aware of herself, she was laying in her bed and the sun was coming up. Desperately hoping her experience wasn't a dream, she searched the room trying to recall what happened the night before. When saw the metal rectangle with her name on it, she remembered that it was a gift from Mr. Hubert. Then, she remembered holding it in the clearing. A sudden pang struck up in her chest and it wasn't strictly physical, she could feel it like a fluttering of her soul.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, thinking back to the night before. Strange lights. Her feet leaving the ground. A melodic tune emanating from what looked like an enormous mass of silver soap suds. The strange Ship Masters. Violet remembered the choice they had given her.

First, I had the option of staying in the Farm or exploring beyond the walls. Now space travel is an option? Who needs time to think? Leaving the farm is all I've ever wanted and now the opportunity is right there for the taking. But Zia... will she want to go with me? She didn't seem excited about leaving the Farm when we would just be going past the wall. Would she even consider going space? Maybe she would want to go, though. All I have to do is ask her and go from there. If she says yes... we could start living the way we have always wanted to. Together.

She did not know what the Ship Masters had in mind when they said she could change the universe, but she was willing to give it a try.

After she wrote down every tiny detail she could remember from the night before, she decided to pay Zia a visit. If she couldn't find the words to explain out loud, her scribbled account was enough backup. Zia was the only person she could truly trust.

Under the House was the Library, it was enormous and overflowing with timeworn books for rows upon rows. Most of the books were falling apart, but Violet admired how Zia repaired and cared for the abandoned books.

Violet left her hair exposed, which she rarely did, she even brushed and curled it for this occasion. She supposed she looked presentable and needed the extra confidence to talk to Zia about the ship, strange beings, and choice she was given. She touched the edges of the paper in her pocket to make sure it was still there.

When Violet found Zia she was reading in the Romance section. She was seated cross-legged on the ground with her back against hardwood shelves. Her hair had fallen against her cheek, so her profile was squeezed into a concentrated sliver from Violet's perspective. She fondly noticed the subtle curve of her lips and furrow of Zia's brows.

"I already checked Science Fiction and Mystery, so I assumed I might find you here." Almost out of breath, she sat next to Zia and started sorting through the stack of books beside her. Glancing down at the titles, she said," Are you putting these up or reading them, Z?" She smirked at an image of a scantily clad woman on a book cover.

"A bit of both, who needs to know?" Zia's warm olive cheeks turned red as she looked down.

Violet stood and held her hands out for Zia. "I am just teasing, you know. I would never tell. Plus, this place is yours, who cares what you read?"

"I appreciate that and I certainly hope you wouldn't say anything." Zia grinned as Violet helped her to her feet. She locked arms with Violet and they walked to the front of the library where they usually sat to chat.

"Where's Frida?" Violet asked, trying to determine if now was an appropriate time to talk.

"She had to help prepare meals this morning and is not yet back. She should be here by lunch. Did you need to talk to her?" Zia adjusted her glasses with her free arm.

"Well, least not yet. I need to talk to you. Let me just start by telling you I don't think I am crazy. That is what crazy people say though..." Violet sighed and rubbed her forehead. How do I begin?

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