Part Two: Confero

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The girls stepped off the green platform and into a dizzying sea of lights and sound; creatures and people of all natures filled the room. Never had either of the girls seen so many people at once nor had they seen so many different kinds of people. Some wore mystifying clothing made of luxury materials while others dressed more logically. The crowd accounted for every shade of skin, degree of tallness, and every mix of appearances. People were looking at Violet and Zia with wonder. The Ship Masters ushered them through the throngs of beings to a large set of electric blue doors.

The doors immediately slid sideways into the walls when one of the Ship Masters ran a finger down the crack in the middle. Inside, a cavernous chamber displayed the whole of the ship through tinted glass. The Ship Masters started sitting or standing at different places in the room. In the back of the room, closest to the windows, there were two chairs for the girls.

The Ship Master with the red stripe spoke first, his voice like gentle thunder. "I am Red. Zia, I understand you may be afraid, but you need not be. Violet, you have transformed! No doubt, you are weary; we will try to hurry this part so the two of you can rest. Please sit in those chairs and relax, both of you." Red remained standing and looked out of the window while the next Ship Master stood to address the girls.

He lowered his head and cleared his throat before addressing the women. "The Confero has been my home for as long as it has been Red's. My name is Blue. The two of you are here for different yet connected reasons. Violet, you experienced a transformation that we knew would occur. We want to help you transition into your new way of life. It will not be easy to master your abilities." Blue stood next to Red and motioned for the being with the purple stripe on his cloak to come forward.

The Ship Master had a spring in his step as he approached the girls and smiled. "As you can guess, I am Purple, but my friends call me Purp. The two of you should know, Aboard the Confero, everyone is equal, safe, and defended, that is why we wanted you here. I have been waiting for this day with anticipation and elation. There is to be a celebration of sorts soon to be held in honor of the two of you. Zia, I suggest you visit the INFO Dome, I have always thought you would enjoy boundless access to knowledge. Tomorrow the two of you will have a chance to explore the Confero and meet some interesting beings. Please follow the Curator outside the door; we are anxious for you to meet her, Violet. She will show you both to your housing and get some rest." He helped the girls from their chairs and embraced both of them at once. He was incredibly tall and smelled like licorice, but in a nice way, Violet thought.

"Did you see where they put Mr. Hubert?" Violet's hands worked at her hair anxiously.

Purp spoke up, "He is safe below in a housing unit resting."

"Okay, as long as he is safe. He and I need to speak soon." Zia stood with her arms crossed, her face suspicious. The Ship Masters stood in a line in front of her, the three of them with heavy eyes and backs hunched. Violet pulled on Zia's hand and she led Zia out of the room. Zia turned a corner and ran into a woman, sending both of them to the floor. Violet giggled and helped them to their feet.

"Hyde! Violet Hyde, My name is Ann and I am the Curator. Hello, Zia" She smiled normally, but her movements were almost too fluid to be human. She wore a short black dress with blue shoes, a blue scarf, her blue hair was a mass of loops, and circles intricately pinned into place with tiny pearls. Violet suspected Ann was not completely human, nor were most of the inhabitants of the Confero. She would have to research etiquette soon.

Violets stared at her for a minute and asked, "Is your hair blue from birth, also where are you from?"

"I thought you would ask. Walk and talk with me, I'll take you both to your housing." Ann the Curator turned around and shoot a smile at Zia, "You're very pretty, Zia. Violet is a lucky one."

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