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The ship shuddered as it slowed for landing and Violet clutched a railing for stability. She wondered if she could manage in this new world, her ancestors planet.

What if I can't control my abilities? What if they want to make me stay...forever. How can I convince them to leave humanity alone?

If you don't lighten up you'll give herself a stomach ache, she told herself. Violet didn't want to disappoint anyone. She sighed, frustrated with herself.

Violet wondered, how can I be so strong yet so weak?

Purple stood next to her.

"You must be prepared. I don't want you to be overwhelmed by their thoughts. They immunized themselves from judgment." Purple handed Violet a ball the size of an eyeball. It was silver with the continents of the earth slightly raised from the surface. "When you hold this it will dull your heightened abilities."

Violet smiled, "You think of everything."

"I'm excited for you. I want this landing to be a positive experience."

"What do I say if they want me to tell them what I can do?" Violet held the sphere in one hand, suspending it in midair with her mind, twirling it absentmindedly as she spoke.

Purple leaned closer to Violet, his black eyes gleaming, "You tell the truth and if they want you to prove yourself perform at your best. I believe you are stronger than you realize."

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind. Are you excited to see Harkola again? I know you enjoyed the city last time you came."

"Oh, I was hoping to talk to you about this sooner..." Purple twisted the hem of his sleeve.

Violet had never seen such sadness in Purple's eyes. "What? What's the matter? You can tell me."

"I cannot come with you. You must do this alone. I am needed back on the Confero."

She swallowed, a lump had formed in her throat and her vision was blurring. Her cheeks tingled as tears streamed. A breath caught in her throat as she spoke, "Why did you not tell me sooner. I could have prepared myself for this... I, I can't..."

"Violet, you can. You truly can and you will be just fine. If you need me, just repeat my name in your mind with all your might and speak to me. I realize it isn't the same, but you can still reach me."

"Why are you doing this?" Violet's heart was racing. The sadness came first, but anger bubbled to the surface, "Everyone leaves me. Every single time I become close to someone the disappear. I want you to stick around. Or tell me the truth. All I've heard since the Farm has either been a lie or a trick. I'm exhausted from it all and when I finally found someone I THOUGHT I could trust... You know what, never mind." She paced away from him but stopped when he called her name.

"Violet, please don't leave this way. You know I would do anything for you, but you must do this for yourself."

"That isn't why I'm upset!"

"I don't want us to part like this. You can be upset with me if you like, but give me a hug goodbye at least." He opened his long arms and waited.

Her heart ached and her blood still boiled, but she couldn't deny a proper goodbye to the person who had helped her all this way. Her heart slowed a tick and she resisted the urge to smile, he looked so silly standing there like that. The ship rumbled once more as she slipped into Purple's arms. He hugged her fiercely and kissed the top of her head.

"I love you, Violet. You must never forget that." He whispered in a quavering voice.

"I love you too. You don't have to go...," She looked up at him.

"But I do and I'll see you soon." He released her as the door swooshed open. With his sleeve, he wiped the tears from her eyes. He gave her a nudge towards the door, "Be brave, little one."

As Violet stepped through the exit hatch her breath caught in her throat. The air was perfectly pure and almost sweet in her mouth. The air smelled of flowers and metal. She savored the breath, committing it to memory, not wanting to forget her first inhalation of Vitruvian air. Gingerly, she maneuvered down the ramp onto a plush sapphire carpet spread before her.

The sun blazed red hot, but a steamy breeze swept over her. She wore a gray linen tunic and her hair was pulled away from her face and tied with a strip of the same fabric. It flowed down her back in messy waves.

When she finally looked towards the crowd ahead, thousands of faces grinned and waved. They had come in all of their splendor. Children and adults alike dressed in a peculiar and expressive fashion. Some draped their bodies in light flowing fabric, regardless of gender. Others wore light robes trimmed in every color imaginable. Shiny metallic jewelry covered them from head to toe. The beings were a third taller than most humans.

It seemed that animals were a status symbol for the Vitruvians. There were monkeys, tigers and sleek dogs with dyed fur. Large birds perched atop patron's shoulders. Violet spotted more than a few animals she didn't recognize, there was even one with the head a baby deer and the body of a cat.

A feminine being took purposeful yet graceful steps in Violet's direction. She kept three iguanas on jeweled leashes attached to her left wrist, each lizard multicolored. They inched along and so did the woman. Her long sloped face held a regal quality and her wide-set hazel eyes glimmered with emotion from above high sharp cheekbones. Beneath her exposed collarbones a pattern of small silver diVmond shapes danced beautifully against her rich copper skin. The pattern flashed just as brightly was violet's speckles. The woman wore a deep blue fabric that draped over her statuesque form, giving life to her delicate curves.

"Violet Hyde! We 've been waiting for you." Her accent savored vowels.

"I have been waiting to come here, as well," Violet said nervously.

The woman brushed a lock of emerald hair from her cheek," I'm sure you have. When our Seers predicted your birth, Harkola prepared for your arrival. Now, that day has come and I hope our efforts pleased you. Oh, where are me manners? I'm Ruby Topeki."

"This is all so fascinating. I had imagined coming here and the beauty of this place and your people surprised me. Thank you for having me."

"The pleasure is ours. Also, remember these people are yours, too. Come with me, I'll take you to the Council."

Violet climbed into a long hovering chariot made of shiny pink metal. Soft pillows covered the floor and strange spiky fruits sat in bowls at each corner. When the vehicle lifted into the air, Violet's stomach jumped, but her adrenaline rushed. She had been on spaceships before and at the Farm she climbed to dizzying heights, but this chariot made her heart rush. The driver flew over ancient gold pyramids capped with sparkling silver metal. Enormous structures with wide columns sprawled between them with open roofs.

"What do you do here?" Violet asked after a couple minutes, her hair whipped behind her in the wind.

The woman's laugh was gentle and kind, "I am a ruler here. We elect many rulers for many things. I handle all things having to do with tourism. Not that you're a tourist, but you needed to be welcomed"

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Do you have I title I should use or-"

"No, no, no. Call me Ruby. Ah, we're here. I'll take you inside."

The craft landed next to the biggest non-pyrimidine building she had yet to see. The colossal structure stood upon a platform of gold and hundreds of columns were sculpted into Vitruvian men and women, all of them holding the domed roof overhead.

Violet bit her lip and climbed the steps, thinking of every moment that led to this point. She lost Frida, Zia and now Purple. She was alone without a friend, about to walk into the unknown. All she could do was try not to cry. This was a time for courage, not weakness. She raised her chin, clutched the globe in her pocket as she thought of humanity, and opened the doors. 

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