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Violet swung her backpack over her shoulder and whistled as she left her residence. She marched along the path to her favorite area of the woods behind the orchards. The low branches and roots threatened to stumble her. She needed to be careful and strategic with her steps but knew where to keep a sharp eye. Violet remembered to bring the little blue box Mr. Hubert had given her to open when she was alone and she kept thinking of it wrapped up and waiting for her.

What should I do? It had been a few days since she had spoken with Mr. Hubert. As much as she hated the Farm and wanted to explore outside the walls, she was afraid. Having fear was something she did not easily admit to, even to herself. Everything she knew was on the Farm and that had to be worth something. If Zia could find peace here, why can't I?

The entrance to the clearing was made of rounded branches and the opening was just large enough for her to crawl through on her knees. She and Zia found this spot as children and loved to come there to picnic or read. They had spent hours and hours there and it was just as much of a home as Violet's shed.

Inside, the clearing was wide open but the thick, foliage covered, tree line served as a wall. The middle of the clearing was carpeted by soft grass and bright wildflowers. A crater near the center was so deep a pond would form in it each spring. If she looked up, the view of the dusky sky was unobstructed by trees.

She went to her customary place. Sitting cross-legged on an enormous stump opposite the crater, she munched on an apple and stretched. There was something magical about the clearing; there was an energy to it, as though anything were possible.

While digging in her backpack for some water, she glimpsed the blue box Mr. Hubert gave her. Violet looked around before she lifted the lid. Inside rested a small metal rectangle, with her name punched into it. Maybe he found it with me when I was little. She felt strange holding it; the metal was cold and lightweight, it almost pulsed under her touch.

She sprawled out on the stump and shut her eyes, letting the echoes of the forest pull her into a daze. Intense colors and geometry danced behind her eyes. As the night crept closer she let exhaustion win and fell asleep.

An icy wind swept through the clearing and Violet woke with a start, in the darkness. She switched on her lantern and looked up to flickering lights in the sky. They danced around the stars and were soaring closer to her by the second. Whooshing and pinging echoed through the woods. Her legs shook as she stood to get a better look.

What am I looking at? She had never seen lights in the sky before, apart from the stars.

A subtle vibration of the ground stopped her thoughts. It ran from her toes to her scalp in a flash. Violet's stomach fluttered and her toes left the ground. She ascended towards the night in a beam of white light, slowly gaining altitude. This can't be real. I must be dreaming. What's happening to me?

Her body relaxed as she turned her gaze upward. A structure, larger than any building on the Farm, was silently hovering a few miles above the earth. The mass was reminiscent of rainbow-like bubbles made of pure glass. She couldn't see inside because the outline of crystal crosshatch all over the ship held a pale multicolored aura. A foggy light flowed out of the structure as three identical figures emerged and moved closer, Violet could hear them before clearly seeing them.

The song coming from all three figures, smooth, warm and comforting, like a blanket of harmony spread over Violet. The creatures stood twice her height with skin like soft gray leather, large diamond shaped eyes glowing from behind their hoods, and small mouths with dark lips. She could see their every movement clearly. Draped over their bodies, long sapphire cloaks dusted the bottoms of their feet and hooded their elongated crowns. They were eerie and beautiful to Violet.

What are they? Her heart ached to know the truth about them.

When they hovered nearly ten feet away, they ended their song and spoke to Violet. "The Confero, our home ship, is awaiting your arrival. If you chose to come with us you may not come back, but we doubt you would want to. We are preparing a residence for you. You have persevered here and we are endlessly pleased with you. You are a treasure to us and in time, we will help you achieve the full extent of your abilities. Many years ago, we received orders to take you from Earth and the time has come to fulfill those commands. "

"How do you know me? Why do you want to take me? And what are you?" Violet whispered. Her words were barely audible, but somehow they heard her.

"We are the Ship Masters, young one, but we cannot tell you your story yet. We will give you a better life and a chance to change the universe, not just this planet."

The universe seems so big and I'm just the girl in the shed. What could I do for them? And how could I leave without Zia? Zia's face popped into Violet's mind.

Violet spoke quickly, the words spilling out before she could catch them. "Can I bring someone with me? She is extremely smart and honest. I couldn't function without her, she is the only person I care about here."

"Ah, you wish to bring her? She cares for you so deeply, we have seen her." The middle figure spoke alone this time, wearing a stripe of purple on its cloak, his voice high and sweet.

"Please, I would never leave her here and I know she would love to come. Can you get her or can I?" A sudden, terrible thought came to her mind. She asked, "Are you by any chance planning to kill me?"

She was out of breath, her last words shrill. Sucking in a big gulp of air, Violet tried to seem more courageous.

The figure with a red stripe on its cloak spoke, this time, low and reassuring. "Your song has been in our souls since the Beginning, Violet. We would never harm you or any life you love. We promise you Zia's safety and so much more. You are important in ways you cannot imagine and we would do anything to help now that we have finally found you."

"How did you find me?" All her life she felt as though someone was watching out for her, somewhere in the stars. Violet secretly thought she wasn't even from Earth. She remembered reading a book stating that hundreds of years ago, scientists had found life on other planets and even some signs of civilization, but the research ended before the Collapse. The books at the Farm never possessed much more information on the subject.

The figure with the blue stripe on its cloak spoke this time, with a polite and informative tone. "We have always known you but it has taken us years to locate you, and we have traveled an extremely long distance in time and space to find your exact point. As you grew older, we could sense you more strongly and find you sooner. If you came to live on the Confero, our journey would be complete. We can't explain your importance to us, yet. But we will return to this place. If you and Zia wish to come with us, you needn't bring anything but yourselves. We can provide for all your needs on the Confero." The last figure bowed his head.

They drifted back from where they came, colors bursting all around them as they whirled out of view. Violet floated down slowly, taking in the beauty of the strange ship and creatures she met. An image revealed in her mind. A woman with long black hair handed a little rectangle to a scientist, and then she was gone. The scientist was tall, thin, and handsome. He took the rectangle and held it to the light "VIOLET HYDE" it read.

Alright, I know you want to keep reading, but please let me know what you thought of this chapter first.

What did you think of the Ship Masters? Do you think their intentions are pure?

Will Violet be able to persuade Zia?

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