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Violet stretched as her mentor set up for her first training session. The room was large with high ceilings and grass-like material lined the ground. The fake greenery made Violet miss being outdoors in the fresh air. She wished Zia were with her. She moved her shoulders up and down, trying to focus.

"Alright, what am I supposed to do?" She clapped her hands together and a strand of violet hair from her braided bun slid into her face. She pushed it back irritably; she was getting tired of her long hair.

"Well, what do you think your physical abilities include and what feels different from before your transformation?" Ann's blue eyebrows rose as she waited for a response.

"I think I can move matter or even myself if I tried. What do you want me to do?" Violet shifted the high collar on her meshed maroon suit hoping she didn't sound ridiculous.

"I need to see that. Try to...something easy...just try to move the biggest sphere." Ann the Curator gestured to the row of spheres in the middle of the room.

"How do I do that?"

"Only you will know, so FOCUS."

Violet looked at the biggest sphere, closed her eyes, and looked at it again. She estimated the weight and decided to make it lighter. After shutting her eyes, Violet imagined the object becoming less and less heavy. She felt her body tingle, currents of energy shifted through her. When her eyes opened, the balls hovered a few feet from the ground. Violet's cheeks flushed and the tiny silver dots marking her skin started to glow, moving matter was exhausting.

"Try harder..." Ann's sharp voice rang through the room.

Violet took a deep breath and used her hands to direct her thoughts. Focusing on the spheres in front of her, Violet lifted her arms from her sides slowly. All the objects rose in unison.

"Good, now make them move!"

Violet spun in a circle. The balls fell in orbit around her, spinning around in a bobbing motion. She could feel each one spinning singularly, then all of them at once.

"Can you move just one?" Ann asked, almost shocked.

The girl closed her eyes again and noticed her hands shaking. She cursed as all of the spheres fell to the ground and inertia sent them rolling around the room.

"Come on! I was doing so well..." Violet couldn't help but kick a sphere, and watched it bounce off a wall.

"Okay, that was far more than I expected, you can take a break and meet me back here when you're done." Ann shook her head and patted Violet on the back.

Sometimes Violet could tell what a person was thinking or feeling, without them saying a word, she started to think a new ability was developing. As Violet walked out of the training room, she focused on Ann, testing her theory. She could feel Ann's heart racing and could tell she was anxious. Violet pushed her mind harder and tried to listen to Ann think. It was fuzzy. The only thing Violet could make out was the feeling of...jealousy...or was it...fear? Violet stopped herself. She wanted to be careful; the power to read thoughts could be her biggest gift...or curse.

She needed to find Zia. Violet wondered where Zia might be and felt her left arm tingle. Strange. She thought of Zia again and felt the ping of energy through the same arm. Looking to her left, she saw a long hallway. At the end was a sign bearing a dome with something inside it like a brain. Violet figured it was the INFO Dome and headed that direction.

Remembering their time in the Library on the Farm, Violet blushed. If books could talk...she mused. She had been so afraid of telling people about her relationship with Zia, but was glad to be in a place that accepted who she loved. When she turned the corner she imagined Zia again, her pale face, her dimples, her choppy black hair. She saw in her mind's eye Zia opening large silver doors and Violet knew she was going to the right place. She could feel it in her bones.

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