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Chapter One


"Don't forget about me, okay?" April nudges my arm, and I smile.

"Me forget about you?" I asked, kinking a brow at her. "Never."

That was three months ago.

We've texted every day since she's been gone, but something's changed this past week. She's stopped responding.

I've tried not to overthink it too much—she could just be busy—but it was hard. We'd practically spent every day together since we were kids. I wasn't used to not having her around, let alone halfway across the country. I wanted to know what she was doing.

I missed her.

"Yo JJ! Where's your head at?" I hear John B call out my name, and I tilt my head up to see him standing on the edge of the roof.

There wasn't much going on around the Cut today, so we did what we always did on days like this—broke into the houses they were building on Figure Eight.

"Where else would it be?" Kiara comes out of the house to join us on the deck. "With April. In Malibu."

My ears perk up at the sound of her name, and I look at Kie. "Have you heard from her?"

"Not for about a week or so," she shrugged. "Have you?"

"No, not even a text," I shake my head and down the rest of my beer.

What could she possibly be up to?

"I wouldn't worry about it, bro," Pope said. "She's probably just busy."

"Yeah, busy surfing with all those new guys she's met in Cali," John B chimed in. "You think she's hooked up with anyone yet?"

"Maybe," Kiara replied. "Could explain why she hasn't texted."

John B snaps his fingers and points down at her, and I roll my eyes.

"Y'all are funny," I say, shifting my eyes between them.

Ape and I had never been any more than friends, but for some reason, the thought of her getting with some guy bothered me a little. What the fuck?

"Oh, lighten up. I'm sure she's missing you just as much as you're missing her," Kie glanced over at me, before looking up at John B, who was now trying to balance himself on one foot. "Now, can you please not kill yourself?"

"And don't spill that beer," I add. "I'm not giving you another one."

"Woah!" As if on cue, he almost loses his balance, and the beer falls to the ground. "Oh, shit."

"Of course you did," I nod. "Like right when I told you."

"Smooth," Kiara pursed her lips, and looked out at the view, while John B groaned.

"A plus," Pope laughed along, and leaned over the railing to keep a lookout. He's been more paranoid about us getting caught since he found out he was up for some genius scholarship.

Good for him, though. At least he can get a ticket out of here.

"Hey!" I hear a voice from the distance, and Pope turns around to warn us.

"Hey, uh, security's here," he said. "Let's wrap it up."

"Boys are early today," I stand up, and glance at John B as I walk over to Pope by the railing. "Humpty Dumpty, let's roll."

For Life | JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now