Chapter 48 - Home Again

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Greg's extended family said goodbye to the Abernathys in the lobby of the hotel following their dinner out together on Friday evening. Somehow, they'd managed to squeeze in a moment to welcome in the Sabbath, reflecting that all of them were flying home the next day, though every one of the Irish Gaffneys recognized that Greg, Susan, and Jessie had much farther to go.

"Have a safe journey home, and stay in touch," Lawrence told Greg as they said goodbye that evening.

"Thank you, Lawrence. I will, to the best of my ability," Greg promised.

Everyone else said goodnight then went to their respective hotel rooms.


Greg, Susan, and Jessie arrived at London Heathrow Airport early the next morning, on the second to the last Saturday in July. Eight hours after leaving their London hotel, they were back at the La Guardia Airport in New York, following their three-week vacation in England and Ireland. For Susan it had been four weeks since she'd been home, and she thought about that in the taxi, on their way to their Manhattan home in the sky. It had been an interesting, enjoyable, and fun experience. It was also enlightening in a variety of ways. The takeaway message for them all was that the work for the Lord, which was accomplished through dreams, was happening in that part of the world too.

"Do you suppose it happens that way everywhere, Papa?" Jessie asked as she watched the familiar sights out her window.

"I suspect it does. It is not only us and our family here in America who are given tasks of that sort for the Lord," Greg acknowledged.

Jessie nodded thoughtfully. "That is good. That is very good."

"Why is that?" Susan asked curiously.

"Now I know, even after you and Papa go home, Bertie and I won't be alone," Jessie explained. "We aren't the only ones doing this, not even when you count Zack and Kelly and those guys too. We are only part of the army the Lord has to support His faithful."

Susan arched a brow. "I have always believed the Lord has armies of Angels He calls on to serve His cause. Some fight evil, some encourage those without faith or religion to believe, and others are there to help support us."

"Who do you mean by 'us', Susan?" Greg asked.

"The Lord's faithful, those who believe, have faith and have learned to balance that with religion, and are ready and willing to perform whatever tasks He decides to give us," Susan explained.

"Indeed," Greg remarked with an expression suggesting he'd never before considered the role of Angels when it came to those sorts of tasks.

"I've never believed we were asked to do those tasks by ourselves," Susan told him.

"Of course not. We also know the Lord employs messengers, and apparently listeners to support us. But we also know, those messengers He uses are not necessarily Angels," Greg replied.

"No, I suppose not. I mean, I know we all know that Melody serves in that capacity, and I suppose Ezra does too now," Susan remarked.

"I believe Ezra is a listener, even now," Greg interjected, and Susan nodded.

"Have you seen Ezra, Mama?" Jessie asked.

"A time or two. I remember the evening after he passed, Melody couldn't wait to introduce him. He told me after she did, that she was only permitted to do that because we met him at the family gathering in Dublin," Susan replied.

"Humm," Greg murmured.

"Have you a thought?" Susan asked.

"I've had many when it comes to that particular interaction," Greg told her.

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