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Haven, for most, was a garden of cloud and light that only the purest of souls could access. To Michael, it was everything, home, family, it was right and familiar, it was safe and untouched.

Through his existence, he encountered numerous beings and saw the Lord, his Father, create many things. Out of all of them, Lucifer was the most unforgettable. Surprisingly, he was different from everything his father had created before. Lucifer wasn't as tall as him and their brothers; his wings were larger than any other's, standing powerful and beautiful behind him, as white as purity itself. But what Michael will forever remember was his smile, bright and clear, loud even in silence.

He was the epitome of hope and joy.

He remembers the thrill of waiting to meet him, the excitement of a new brother with whom to share knowledge and love. He saw him come to the world, and he adored him. As for the Lord, some might dare to say Lucifer was his favorite.

Lucifer was the youngest, or at least his brothers treated him as such. Angels are beings of light, they don't age, they don't grow, and often don't change. But being born yesterday, Lucifer had still much to learn, and Michael took the matter into his own hands.

Everyday Michael would meet his brother to show him around Heaven, and share with him everything he had learn, teaching him how to handle a sword, how to control his wings, how to be righteous and kind. Showing him the beauty of creation and obedience.

And one day, the Lord created the world.

"Michael, did you see? Have you been to see "the world" Father created, isn 't it beautiful!" Said Lucifer has he flew down to his brother, his eyes sparkling with excitation and joy.

Lucifer turned on himself, almost jumping around, to share what his discovery with his brother. Their Father had created what seemed to be a way of counting eternity. It was time.
Lucifer then talked about a tapestry, woven with threads of light and symphony of colors dancing through the night. It was the cosmos.

« It sure sounds beautiful when you describe it, brother. » Answered Michael with a found smile.

« - And it is! We shall go see the world together! »

Michael let out a gentle laugh, nodding.

« Of course, Luci. »

Time passed, and the Lord continued to amaze Lucifer with the world.

« - You should have seen it, Michael! It's called the Earth, it's a planet, you remember what a planet is, right? Well, that one is my favorite! Hues of every kind, where mountains rise, oceans bind, and rivers flow. » And so he spoke, for hours about the beauty of earth and it's garden.

It became a daily occurrence, Lucifer would come to him and talk about Earth. Michael loved every seconds of it.

With every earthly day passing, Lucifer appeared to find less and less interest in Heaven and it's angels, spending most of his time down there, on Earth.

It didn't take time before his passion for the world started to rise questions among lesser angels. Caring for Father's creation was part of their duty, as they were commanded to guard it, but anyone knew better than getting involved with things that didn't directly concern their life purpose, or what they where made for.

Anyone but Lucifer, who once known for his joy and hope, was starting to make a name for his curiosity.

But desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way.

Michael couldn't let this happen. He had to protect his brother, and more importantly, it had to stop, all of it, before Raphael came to know of Lucifer's recurrent escapades.

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