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Hell's hierarchy was structured with relative simplicity, akin to a royal court in a human kingdom. At the summit sat Lucifer and his family, reigning supreme over the infernal realm. Below them were the Seven Deadly Sins, along with other nobles and royal families from the Seven Rings, each holding a distinct position of power and influence.

Directly beneath these elite figures were the Overlords, usually sinners, with considerable power, though they occupied a lower status compared to the ruling class. Below the Overlords were the sinners and hellborn, in this order, comprising the bulk of Hell's population, each with their own degree of wickedness and suffering.

Further down the hierarchy were the Imps and Hellhounds, considered lesser beings in the grand scheme of Hell's society, serving various roles and duties under their superiors.

In Hell, the path to becoming an Overlord was open to anyone who knew how to navigate the infernal hierarchy. While some individuals arrived in Hell already predisposed to such status due to their heinous deeds on Earth, others had to climb their way up through cunning and ambition.

However, even those with the potential to become Overlords were closely monitored by the Seven Deadly Sins. These ancient entities, shrouded in darkness, wielded considerable influence over Hell's political landscape.

Although many potential Overlords had initially struck deals with Lucifer upon their arrival in Hell, pledging not to challenge his authority if they ascended to Overlord status, their ambitions were always scrutinized. This pact served as a safeguard against any potential threats to Lucifer's rule, ensuring that even the most ambitious souls remained under his control.

Once again, Lucifer's foresight proved invaluable as Alastor swiftly ascended to power, unlike any other Overlord before him. Through his popular radio podcast, Alastor's voice echoed throughout the infernal realm, captivating the attention of countless souls with each chilling episode. As his audience grew, so did his influence, and the desperate cries of fallen Overlords became a haunting backdrop to his broadcasts. With each new voice silenced by Alastor's ascent, his power only continued to soar, casting a shadow over the entirety of Hell.

Alastor, was soon known as "the radio-demon," as he swiftly became a figure of both fear and reverence in the infernal realm. His broadcasts echoed with a menacing undertone, striking terror into the hearts of those who dared to cross his path. With each episode, he solidified his position among the Overlords, carving out a name for himself through sheer intimidation and cunning.

As Alastor solidified his position among the Overlords, his notoriety as a radio host attracted both admirers and adversaries. Among those drawn to his charismatic presence was Vox, a newcomer to the infernal hierarchy. Vox possessed a fervent zeal for storytelling and innovation, qualities that resonated with Alastor's own penchant for captivating narratives. Despite the cutthroat nature of Hell's politics, Vox and Alastor forged an unlikely friendship, united by their shared passion for the social arts.

As their friendship deepened, so did the tension between Alastor's traditionalism and Vox's thirst for innovation. While Vox eagerly embraced new technologies and methods, Alastor remained steadfast in his attachment to the old ways. Their differing perspectives on the future of Hell became a source of discord between them, leading to heated debates and strained interactions. Despite their differences, Vox remained determined to push the boundaries of what was possible in Hell, and eventually, he approached Alastor with an offer to join forces with him and his ambitious cohort, "The Vees."

The Vees comprised three ambitious and power-hungry young overlords: Vox, Velvet, and Valentino. Each brought their own unique aspirations and talents to the table, forming a formidable trio determined to carve out their place in Hell's hierarchy.

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