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As angels descended upon the Hotel in droves, the collective screams of courage echoed through the chaos as they prepared to enter the battle. Lucifer scanned the scene, searching for Adam when he saw them, Seraphim. That bastard came prepared, thankfully his brothers were yet to be seen.

As Lucifer surveyed the scene, the battlefield raged on, with the mingling of golden and red blood staining the ground. Charlie stood back to back with Vaggie, a testament to their unwavering resolve amidst the chaos. The stakes were high; if the Seraphim got to the battle field, the consequences would be catastrophic, endangering everyone. Yet, Lucifer couldn't ignore his duty to protect Charlie.

"Go," Alastor's commanding voice broke through Lucifer's internal conflict. "I'll protect her," With a heavy heart, Lucifer nodded, torn between his obligations. With a sweeping motion, he unfurled his powerful wings and took to the air, leaving behind the battlefield as he struggled to reconcile his conflicting responsibilities.

As he took flight, Lucifer cast one last glance at Alastor, his voice resonating with authority as he commanded, "Don't. Die." With a firm tone, he emphasized the gravity of the situation before soaring into the sky, leaving behind the chaos of battle.

Lucifer's flight surged with newfound speed, a blur as he deftly dodged incoming angels, his singular focus on reaching the Seraphim. As he closed in, his demonic form fully emerged, fueled by rage. With unbridled power, he launched into an assault, striking down his adversaries without hesitation.

Each blow delivered with lethal precision, fueled by the primal instinct to protect his family. The Seraphim's attempt to harm those he held dear only fueled his fury further. In another circumstance, he might have relished in prolonging their suffering, but urgency demanded otherwise.

Time was of the essence, and Lucifer pressed on, dispatching his enemies swiftly as he redirected his focus towards the threats that loomed ahead.

As Alastor remained grounded, fighting alongside Rosie and shielding Charlie as promised, his attention was drawn skyward to Lucifer's solitary battle against the Seraphim. Witnessing Lucifer's formidable display of strength and power, Alastor's gaze was momentarily interrupted by the sudden appearance of Adam, the first man, descending with a sadistic grin, his angelic axe poised to strike Charlie.

"I don't think so," Alastor declared, swiftly intervening as he lashed out with a powerful whip, a long, black tentacle extending violently from the ground to thwart Adam. With a pained grunt, Adam recoiled but quickly regained his composure.

"And you are?" Adam spat, his contempt evident in his words. Alastor met his gaze with a provocative smile. "Revealing my name to a soon-to-be-dead man would serve no purpose," he retorted, his powers surging forth as black shadows enveloped the area, encircling Adam. As Alastor's transformation began, his antlers elongated, his form expanding dangerously, as he unleashed his power.

Adam's expression remained unimpressed as he retorted, "I'm the damn commander of the angelic army. You're no match, bitch." With a cocky flourish, he ascended to evade Alastor's assaults, feigning boredom and even yawning dismissively. However, before he could finish his taunt, Alastor's response was swift and brutal.

With a powerful strike, Alastor brought Adam crashing to the ground with bone-shattering force, the earth fracturing beneath their impact. Adam gasped for air, his breath stolen by the shock of the impact, coughing up golden blood in his dazed state.

"Who's no match now?" Alastor's voice dripped with satisfaction as he loomed over his fallen adversary, asserting his dominance with a smirk.

Adam rose to his feet, leveraging his axe for support as he glared at Alastor, consumed by rage. His gaze shifted to Charlie, positioned behind Alastor, prompting Alastor to subtly maneuver to shield her from view. Adam's woxked smirk widened knowingly, recognizing Alastor's protective stance.

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