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The day of the meeting arrived sooner than Lucifer had anticipated. In the lobby, everyone waited anxiously for the portal to open. Lucifer pacing nervously, worried about Charlie's safety once in Heaven.

"I'll be fine, Dad," she reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder to calm him. "Just breathe. Nothing will happen to me." He looked at her with concern and pleaded, "Please don't go?" Charlie chuckled softly. "I'll be okay. Vaggie is with me. I won't be alone."

Lucifer glanced at Vaggie, knowing what it meant to her to go back to Heaven. "Are you sure you'll be alright, Vaggie?" he asked sincerely, knowing her history with the place wasn't pleasant. "I'll manage. Don't worry," Vaggie replied with a faint smile. Tears welled up in Lucifer's eyes as he hugged both Charlie and Vaggie tightly.

"Take care of each other, and if anything goes wrong, use this," he said, handing them each a pearl. "Step on it, and I'll come to you immediately." The girls smiled gratefully, returning his embrace. "Thank you, Dad. We have to go now." finally said Charlie.

With that, they stepped through as the portal closing behind them, leaving behind a worried Lucifer.

Charlie and Vaggie stood before the majestic gates of Heaven, their golden splendor towering above them. A radiant angel stood guard beside the gates, peering down at them from behind a tall podium, a grand register open before them.

"Hi, sorry to bother you, we have a meeting with, hm," Charlie began uncertainly, trying to recall the right name. Vaggie interjected smoothly, "With Sera. We're here to see Sera." The angel scrutinized them skeptically before they could finish.

"I highly doubt tha-" The angel's words were cut short by a melodious voice. "I'll handle this, thank you," a tall, stunning woman announced, descending gracefully to stand before Charlie and Vaggie.

She was a vision of beauty, her features serene yet commanding, her wings shimmering with ethereal light. Beside her stood a younger, equally enchanting girl, a miniature version of the tall woman but with an adorable charm of her own.

"Hello, Ms. Morningstar. I'm Sera," the tall, beautiful angel greeted with a warm smile. "And this is Emily." She gestured to the younger angel beside her, who beamed with excitement. "Hi! I'm thrilled to meet someone from down there. I'll show you around!" Emily chirped eagerly.

"Have fun, but remember to stay discreet, Emily. We don't want to cause a commotion," Sera reminded her gently. Emily nodded eagerly, taking the girls' hands as they entered Heaven.

As they ventured into the heavenly realm, they found themselves amidst a bustling city in the clouds. The streets were lined with charming shops adorned with shimmering signs advertising the perfect smile and offering rainbow-colored cotton candy. The air was filled with laughter and the scent of sweet treats, while gentle breezes carried the sound of heavenly music that seemed to emanate from every corner. It was a place of serene beauty and endless wonder, where every sight and sound delighted the senses.

At the end of the day Emily led Charlie and Vaggie through the Seraphim wing, their footsteps echoing softly on the pristine white floors. The walls gleamed with a pure, pearlescent sheen, adorned with intricate carvings depicting celestial scenes of angels and heavenly landscapes.

The Seraphim quarter exuded an aura of tranquility and elegance, with every detail meticulously crafted to perfection. Soft, ethereal light bathed the corridors, casting a warm glow that seemed to envelop them in a comforting embrace.

As they reached their room, Emily smiled warmly. "This the wing of the quarter where your father used to reside," she said, her voice filled with reverence. "Not that floor, he occupied the top one, as he was a member of the council." Charlie gazed around in awe, taking in the pristine beauty of their surroundings.

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