First Glances, Lasting Impressions

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College. A place where you spend your glamorous, exciting, and unforgettable days of youth, or so they said. Not for Jeonghan though. Hours and hours of non-stop cramming, rowdy soccer boys flexing their 'skills', and immature girls who didn't know how to stop running their mouths. Jeonghan has learnt how to ignore the irrelevant prospects of college though-by minding his own business. And by his own business, he means his 7 kids...19 year old kids.

"Hey Hannie! Wanna catch up on a movie tonight? The new marvel movie just came out!" Said kid batted his puppy eyes innocently at him.

They were currently in his college dorm, considerably neat compared to his friends' dorms, just a few jackets and books laying around, which in his defence, was not his but his roommate Joshua's. His friends have been wanting to help ease out his hectic college life for him, and what better way than to catch a movie?

"You know i cant Gyu-ah. Hyung is busy, I've got to turn in an assignment by next monday." Jeonghan talks through his clearly evident pout. He understands that his friends just want to lend him a little helping hand at relaxing, but he thinks he's doing just fine-no not really-but he's still alive and breathing isn't he?

"Aw come onnn. Its been ages since you've left your dorm. Besides, your assignment is due next week, not today." Mingyu shrugs.

"I'll think about it Gyu, but don't get your hopes up pup." Jeonghan gives him a tiny smile, giving in to all the whining he's been hearing the past 2 weeks. Maybe it was time for him to take a tiny break.


As unexpected as it seems, Jeonghan does end up turning up for the movie night. Finally deciding to let himself go for a couple of hours before lazily putting on a simple white t-shirt and ripped jeans, not forgetting to shrug on the denim jacket Seokmin got for him for his 18th birthday.

His friends' eyes brighten up the moment their gaze land on a certain blond, waving excited "hi"s and giving him warm hugs.

"Hyung! I can't believe u showed up!" Seokmin bounces excitedly, while giving Jeonghan a suffocating hug.

"I did the trick. It was all me. Show some appreciation to me lads." Mingyu announces as he puffs his muscular chest up, making himself look even bigger than he already does. Seungkwan all but smacks his hand onto Mingyu's chest, causing Mingyu to groan and whine in pain as he rolls his eyes, but with no hint of menace in them.

"Are we ever watching the movie? Give Hannie some space man." Jihoon, ever the most logical, speaks up against his chaotic and noisy group of best friends, mentally facepalming at the fact that they've been standing in front of the movie theatre for the past 15 minutes hugging and acting like a bunch of idiots who haven't seen each other for years. But he does give Jeonghan a small genuine smile and a light pat on the ass to welcome him.


Halfway through the movie, Jeonghan excuses himself to go to the restroom, squeezing himself through narrow seats and hearing his friends complain softly in discontent at being blocked. He really shouldn't have drunk all that soda they offered, he thinks.

Walking out of the restroom feeling much more relieved, he hastily makes his way back to the theatre, not wanting to miss any more of the movie than he already did. A few steps before the entrance of the theatre, Jeonghan hears a distant sound from ahead of him and looks up.

He freezes.

Its as if the world stopped moving, frozen on its axis. He feels his palms start to turn moist, forehead beading with cold sweat and tears threatening to escape his beautiful brown eyes as he shakes, trembles, trying to keep himself from melting into the cold tiled floor of the mall. His eyes unintentionally flicker to the sight before him, a father yelling ruthless remarks at his child, shoving her powerless shoulders. A teardrop rolls down his rosy cheeks, body landing on the floor with a loud thud. Now hyperventilating and sobbing uncontrollably, he cradles his knees close to his burning chest, arms wrapped defensively around his head and covering his ears as he tries to drown out the harsh yelling sounds. Jeonghan shakes his head, trying to prevent his own traumatic memories from resurfacing. Usually, his friends would be right beside him, calming him down and showering him with comforting words. But they weren't there. So Jeonghan tries his best to fight against his degrading thoughts and awful experiences while curling himself up into a ball, attempting to look as small as he can as he cries to himself.

Jeonghan feels a warmth on his left shoulder. A hand far too warm in this freezing cold mall. He considers that it might be his friends, but they wouldn't have been this quiet upon noticing him. So who?

Jeonghan peeks his head up from its hiding position between his arms, to see a brunette, eyebrows curved into what looked like like a worried frown. The brunette softens his gaze when they lock eyes. For how long, Jeonghan isn't sure.

"Hey, you okay?" The brunette asks gently, his hand still placed on Jeonghan's shoulder, but starting to slowly rub small circles with his thumb, trying to soothe the poor boy. His deep voice helps calm the crashing waves in Jeonghan's mind.

Jeonghan blinks, and looks at the man through his wet fringe and tear-filled eyes. The brunette doesn't press for an answer, and holds Jeonghan securely with both arms around the boy, hauling him up from the cold floor. He carefully moves the boy to a nearby lounge area, setting him down on a fluffy couch.

"You don't have to explain yourself, its fine. How about I get you a drink? Hot chocolate sounds good?" The brunette smiles, still carrying the ever so gentle tone, words laced with softness. "I always drink it when I feel down." Jeonghan gives the man a small nod, eyes trained on his warm smile.

Jeonghan spots the brunette, two cups of hot chocolate in his hands as he navigates his way back to their table easily. "Here you go." He carefully places the hot cup in front of Jeonghan, "Be careful, it's hot." He warns, before putting his own cup down as well, and Jeonghan notices that he's got himself the same drink too. Jeonghan wraps his hands around the warm cup, finding instant comfort in the warmth it provides. He crouches down and blows puffs of air into the hot chocolate, cooling the hot chocolate down enough to drink it.

"What's your name?" The brunette asks. Jeonghan stares at him for a few seconds before answering, "Jeonghan. Yoon Jeonghan."

"Yoon Jeonghan." The man repeats, "It's a beautiful name."

Jeonghan's stomach does a little flip at the praise, and in a haste to distract himself, he decides the drink he has been blowing on should be cooled down enough. Jeonghan takes a small sip, then quickly retracting and hissing when he accidentally burns his tongue. In front of him, he hears the brunette let out a soft chuckle.

"It's not funny!" Jeonghan pouts, and he makes the mistake of looking up at the smiling man. He doesn't realise he was staring at him until he feels his phone vibrate in his jeans pockets. Jeonghan jerks his head away, his mind carelessly thinks, was he staring back? Pushing the thought away, he grabs his phone and a subconscious small smile creeps onto his face when he reads the caller ID. He looks at the brunette and the man immediately gives him an understanding nod. He picks up the phone.

"Hannie? Where are you? Did you flush yourself down the toilet bowl or did the toilet bowl flush you down?" A familiar voice comes through the speakers, gentle yet teasing.

"The toilet bowl flushed me down." Jeonghan replies nonchalantly, earning him a questioning glance from the brunette. "I'm just taking a little breather, I'll be back in a moment. No worries." Jeonghan responds on a more serious note. He hears Joshua explaining their conversation to their friends on the other end of the line and adds, "Tell the kids not to worry. I'll be back in a jiffy." before ending the call.

"So, the toilet bowl flushed you down?" The brunette teases, raising an eyebrow. A giggle finds its way to Jeonghan and he exaggerates, "Yeah, it swallowed me whole." This time, it was the brunette's turn to laugh, and Jeonghan notices his cute gummy smile.

After a few more minutes of comfortable silence, the brunette speaks. "I believe you have to return to your 'kids', I won't keep you here for too long." Jeonghan nods, finishing up his last sip of hot chocolate.

"Thank you for uh, picking me up and buying me hot chocolate. You were right, it did help. I hope to see you again-" Jeonghan pauses as he realises he still hasn't gotten the name of the brunette.

"Seungcheol. Choi Seungcheol." He smiles. "And no problem, I'm always right when it comes to hot chocolate." Seungcheol jokes, keeping the conversation lighthearted.

"I hope to see you around, Jeonghan."

"I'll see you again then, Seungcheol." Jeonghan bids goodbye, waving towards Seungcheol. He ignores how his name seemed to roll off his tongue so smoothly.

"Seungcheol." He mutters under his breath.

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