Promise of the Future

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The next week is mostly spent glued to Seungcheol's side, never letting him out of his sight or else he gets sulky and makes a huge fuss about being deprived. He never once takes off the necklace Seungcheol gifted him, and he he finds that he keeps fondling with it unconsciously. He tags along the football captain's trainings, sitting on a nearby bench and staring in awe as his boyfriend swivels the ball with ease. Seungcheol makes sure to bring the boy home every day, their rides home filled with light chatter and jokes. So when Jeonghan doesn't get so see Seungcheol for more than three hours, Shua's definitely suffering. His best friend has been pacing around his room non stop, complaining about missing Seungcheol and while Shua understands him, he can't help but wish his best friend could just sit his ass down for a minute so that he can get his godforsaken assignment done.

Seungcheol's leaving tomorrow. Jeonghan half wishes Seungcheol does well there and gets the champion's title and half wishes the entire competition gets called off at the same time. He gets a call from Wonwoo, yes they've become close and although their personalities are drastically different, they find that they click well with each other, and Jeonghan grows fond of the car-eyed male with each passing day.

"Wonu?" He picks up the call while he sprawls himself out on his bed, picking at his sheets.

"Shua hyung told me you needed a distraction." Of course, Shua.

He sighs dramatically. "I just don't get how Shua's this calm when his boyfriend his literally heading overseas too!" And on second thought, "Wait a minute, Mingyu's going too! You can't tell me you're sane."

Wonwoo scoffs in disbelief. "Hyung, they're leaving for a competition, not a war."

"I hate you guys." He plops his head down against the soft welcoming pillows, a pout evident on his lips.

"They'll be back soon, hyung. In the meantime, you can hang out with us!" Wonwoo suggests, and Jeonghan's thankful he has such caring friends around him.

Jeonghan eventually ends the call when he has to get ready to meet Seungcheol. Jeonghan puts on his best outfit, does his hair and he's out the door in a flash, yelling a quick, "I'm leaving!!" So Shua, closing the door even before Shua gets the chance to shout back.

Shua shakes his head in adoration, "that lovesick brat,"

Jeonghan double checks his look in the elevator's mirrors, letting out a satisfied hum after he fixes his hair. When the elevator doors ding, he skips out, and it takes him less than three seconds to locate his lover. He gets reminded of their first date, when Seungcheol was leaning against his sleek black car, looking nothing less of a model. Today is nothing different, he spots Seungcheol in the exact same position, and he gleefully skips towards him.

Seungcheol spots his over-energetic boyfriend and he grins to himself. He opens his arms wide, welcoming the buzzing boy into his arms as he wraps them tight around Jeonghan's thin waist.

"Excited today, baby?" Seungcheol whispers into his right ear, while pressing soft kisses down Jeonghan's neck and breathing in his sweet scent.

Jeonghan nods eagerly.

Seungcheol drives them to Hongdae, the place already starting to bustle with life once they arrive. Jeonghan hops out of the car,eyes glimmering as he takes in the lively atmosphere. It was seven in the evening so the streetlights have been turned on, along with decorative colourful string lights across these lamps. Some popular restaurants already have a long queue outside them, many families and youths alike waiting in line for the delicious korean barbecue. Jeonghan's tummy grumbles at that. As they walk further in hand in hand, they see a crowd gathered, and so Jeonghan drags Seungcheol towards the commotion. There was a young street busker playing the electric guitar while singing his heart out, gaining the likes of the many teenage girls seated before him. Jeonghan unintentionally smiles at the innocence of these youngsters as if he weren't young himself. They stay for a bit more and when the busker wraps up his song, they move along the street.

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