Chapter 1:background

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Leonard opened his eyes he had just sacrificed himself for the timeline, he looks around confused is he a ghost or is this hell... but this is not what he thought it would look like because this looks a whole lot like the central city he rubs his numb arm it burns a whole lot "what the fuck" he mutters dryly he got up he is in a park he recognized it because it was the one he and mick would always hang out at-

"Len-" says a familiar voice he looks to his side to see Lisa and a woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties "Mick told us you died I- thought you died," Lisa said tears welling up in her eyes

"Last time I checked that explosion would have killed me so yeah idk how the hell I'm alive," he said smirking and extending his arm for a hug. Lisa ran into his chest and hugged him tight, crying tiers getting on his shirt the other woman looked a little confused and shocked "So this is the infamise Leonard Snart the rest of the rogues are always talking about" the woman giggled a little at the end

"Who is this?" he asked "Oh this is Tonya she is a newer member of the rogues" Lisa responded wiping her eyes "Ah- okay" "it is very nice to meet you, sir," Tonya said a small smile on her face leonard gave a small smile back.

"Pls you do not have to call me sir," Len said pushing Lisa off of him, Lisa pouted and went back to hugging her big brother. "Why don't we go back to the safehouse? The rest are going to be happy to see you" Lisa said letting go of Len Tonya got her phone and checked the time "Yeah Mark and me have date night in an hour" she said Lisa started dragging Leonard.

Once they got to the safehouse Len decided to surprise them all so Tonya and Lisa went in first "WERE BACK!" he heard Lisa yell leonard picked at an invisible piece of lint on his parka which had some tears and burns he looked up and saw lisa give the okay through the small window. He opened the door, and no one saw him other than Lisa and Tonya "Oh I thought I would get more of a warm welcome" he said making himself known.

"BOSS?!" they all said well other than them Tonya and Lisa

"Hi guys," he said smiling

Hartly ran up to him and hugged him not caring if he got mad but Leonard did not get mad and just hugged him back which shocked everyone (and made everyone go to hug him)

"We missed you, boss," said Axel who was getting squished in between him and Showna "Yeah," said a very tired-sounding Mark "Missed you all too," Leonard said with a big smile Lisa cooed in the corner she and Tonya where sitting on the couch now

Once everyone else released him, he needed to know what he missed."Now I need to know what I missed," Leonard said, taking off his parka that Axel takes and hangs up. "Yep you do boss," says a very happy-sounding mark, it surprised Len (Mark had never been one for happiness but seeing his boss- the person he thought of as a father alive made him happy.)

Shawna had him sit down on the couch next to Lisa, who was now playing with Tonya's hair "Okay let's start with a little after you left with the heroes" said Axel who was sitting on the floor next to Hartly "A month after you left the flash disappeared for I think 6 months we pulled 11 hist until we got worried" says mark pausing the breath "a week after he came back a villain named Savitar came around... then aliens invaded and the arrow was in the central city during that mick informed as that you died, it broke Lisa here" mark says and axel started talking "a month after that we put Lisa in therapy that is where she meets tonya." he says a small smile appeared on len face.

Shawna got up to go get water "Hey Showna can you grab some ice for me thank you," asked Leonard who was rubbing his arm now "Yeah" Showna responded going into the kitchen Tonya went over to Len "Is it okay if I see your arm?" she asked "yeah" answered Leonard who let her have his arm

"It's a little red and scarred but it will be okay and will heal soon," she says as a small smile appears on her lips. Shawna walks in with ice and a small cup of water "Here" she says as he gives him it then sits down

After everyone explained everything len had wanted to ask something but was worried "Um- guys" he asked everyone looked at him "Yes" they said "So um I've been wondering what if we became vigilant I don't want to hurt people and or steal" he says everyone's eyes widen but they all agree "that's- that's a really good idea" says tonya "but we are not using a safe house as a base right" she continues "I already have an idea" he says grabbing a key in a table next to him "i have an idea place" he said smiling as he stood "are you all coming or not" he says they all follow him he grabbed his parka.

Once they got to the rundown building, they went inside and he put a code in a door "Come on in" he said they all went in and looked around "Wait but what if someone sees us walk in here" said Mark as a looked at a table touching it "I already have a plan... I want to open a cafe" he said everyone looked at him confused

"What.." says Lisa Len sighing as he went back out the door "This used to be a cafe when I was younger and before you were born Lisa," he says as he goes over to a window "Wouldn't people recognise us?" says axel "i have some mask down there" he points to the door.

"Oh," says Lisa "Then let's begin," she said grabbing her brother

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