scarlet ghost

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barry just wanted a normal day bit ofcorse some meta dissided to attack the scarlet cafe so he left his lab in a haze to deal with that and when he got back his office was a mess and he guesses when he ran out it knocked over his coffee right on his report so he had to re-do the case.

“Barry?” says Joe well he walks in “yes Joe'' says Barry annoyed him and Joe has not had the best relationship since Barry came out as bi to him iris fully sipportide him along with the rest of team flash but joe was not vary supportive. “Are you done with the case” joe asked in a harsh tone barry looked at him “no sorry” barry said tired joe looked pissed “YOU ARE SO USLESS” joe yelled barry flinched and tryid so hard not to cry.

Little did Barry know that two of the other officers were outside.

Well joe screamed at him joe called him some horrible words but a sentence made barry pissed “YOU ARE SO USELESS YOU CANT EVEN BE A BOY RIGHT” barry brock then and there and yell at him back “WHY CAN'T YOU JUST BE SIPPORTING ME” barry yelled crying, Joe left after that rolling his eyes barry did not hear joe talk to the other two officers tho.

It has been two hours since there fight and that means barry can finally leave he packs up and leaves the stashen once he got to an alley where nobody really went by witch mean he can use his speed to get home faster but just as he was about to go someone knocked him down “what the-” he was cut off by a kick in the back once he was abble to look up he saw two officers.

“Officer owen… officer luka” he mutters before getting hit again.

After (because i can not write)

Barry could not breathe. He was sitting in a corner rocking back and forth crying, blood running down his face. His top was torn barry could not process anything so when 6 people appeared in the ally he did not see and or react to them till one tried shaking him “hey” said one there voice deep almost like olivers one of the others pick him up there skin was soft on his own skin somehow he fell asleep.

Once barry woke up he was cunfused to where he was, it looked like a base also a little likes the arrow cave just cleaner and more orginised “oh you're awake” says a female voice to his right the woman had long brown hair she had gray-blue eyes and was buff almost as much as oliver just a little more “where am i?” Barry asked confused his voice tired and broken.

The woman frowned “your at our base is it okay if i look you over then- if my boss is okay with it you can leave '' says the woman barry did not relise there were two more people there but when he looked to his left he saw two males.

“Um- yeah but can I know your name?” Barry asked as the woman went to look him over “oh i did not give you my name yet sorry my name is tonya the two over there are mark and axel” tonya said pounting at the other people.

“Oh okay” says Barry as tonya finished looking him over.

Mark left up the stairs most likely to ask the boss? If it was okay for him to leave axel had left upstairs when tonya looked over his back witch only left him and tonya “um- tonya?” Barry asked. Tonya looked over her shoulder “yes?” she said as she turned in her chair she smiled at him “why did you help me?” he asked. Tonya flinched then frowned, walking over to him and… hugging him “because we care '' came a voice from the stairs. Barry froze hearing that- voice again.

Barry looked over his shoulder and gasped “leonerd!” he yells running over to him nearly falling over “its impossible tho…” barry said looking at him “i dont know how im alive too scarlet” he said hugging barry barry hugged back and cryed into his shoulder tonya (who was behind them) smirked and went over to mark kissing him.

Once barry stopped crying he went back to the make-shift bed and leounrd sat next to him mark and tonya sat over near some computer “i missed you” barry mutters but leonard heard him “missed you to scarlet” leonard responded a small smirk on his face, a door opened before barry could respond and hartly walked in..making out with cisco “c-cisco..” says barry shocked.

Cisco fell down the stairs when hartly let him go yelping “OW” cisco yelps rubbing his back and standing up looking at barry “h-hi b-barry” he said stuttering looking at the wall then barry “i can explained” he said giggling but before he could talk barry finally saw hartly “wait hartly… leonard… OH MY GOD” barry yelled releasing who axel and mark where lisa giggled from the corner “hi barry” she said waving “oh my god the roughs i was saved by the roughs…” he said in shock “the outlaw more understandingly” leonard said

Barry looked at them and froze then blushed once he relised leonard was holding on to him so he did not fall off the bed. “C-can you all explain,” Barry said.

Everyone explained to Barry (how they became vigilantes, how Cisco found out) and Barry explained back which pissed them all off after Barry was able to stop them from killing the officers Barry left with cisco.

A/N: bye  my stars again sorry for the really short chapter there will be a new one up  next week that's a little longer :DD

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