lover boy

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(It is the next day after last chapter:D)

Leonard was opening shop when he saw Barry walk over to the cafe. The bandages on his wrists shown under the sweater “hey scarlet” says snart as he waves to the younger male there was some chack on his hands. Barry looked up from his phone “oh hey'' barry responds his voice still raspy a smile appears on barrys face “can you help rebandge my arms for me?” Barry asked as he got closer to snart.

“Ofcorse” snart response as he opens the door for barry mark and tonya where at the front along with axel “hey barry!” says tonya. Hartly looked up from where he was cleaning a table “hey tonya” Barry said as Leonard walked him down to the base.

Lonerd looked at him he's smiling “hey scarlet?” says leonard as barry gets to the cot “yes lenny” barry said leonard blushed at the nickname. ‘You can do this Leonard’ he tought as he walked closer to Barry and grabbed the bandages as he started wrapping his arm. He started talking again “um- i was wondering if…you would go on a date with me” he said finishing banding barry up when he looked up from barrys arm he sees barry blushing.

'YES” Barry said(yelled) as he got up, snart blushed and grabbed Barry “can i kiss you?” he asked barry made a mhm sound singniling to leonard that he can infact kiss him.

Leonard kissed barry as they kissed there was some wolf whistles from the stairs the ex villain looked up seeing his team (his non-bio family) once they pulled away barry held leonerds hand and looks at the team smiling “lovebirds~” says lisa a smirk on her face

“Barry, I'll pick you up at 9? Okay” says snart as he puts his hand to barry cheeks “okay” barry says a smile appears, if he heard hartly mutter something he did not say anything.

Leonard and barry went back up as the rest of the team helped some customers

Two hours later the door opened and some very familiar people come through “hello” says lisa who looked at the woman and the other 6 people “hi” the blond woman said as she looked at the manu lisa looked over at leonard who had froze when he saw them “we will do 2 black coffee one with light ice, 4 vinilla coffee, and a green tea” the blond said lisa put the order in “anything else” she asked leonard had went over to make there drinks with mark

“7 of your blueberry muffins,” she said, handing Lisa her card. After paying and getting their drinks they sat down at one of the tables, Barry walked in then went over to the counter and ordered & paid “hey guys'' he said waving at them “oh hi barry'' the blond womanc said “hey barry!” says another person (who Lisa recunized as ray palmer).

“What are you guys doing here if i may ask?” Barry said as he took a sip of his drink “we are visiting family and friends” said one of the male with a snarl “oh okay” Barry said he looked at Lisa then back at them Lisa looked at him then to len Lisa frowned.

“Hey barry?” says one of them looking at barry “... yes sara” barry looked at them “you look sad” says sara

“Oh I'm fine just tired” he speedster said a smile appearing on his face “really?” says sara unimused “because it looks like you are sad well looking over at them” she points at len barry sighs as len looks at him “one sec” barry walks over to him “what do you need” barry whispers “can…can you have them stay till closing i want them to know” say len as he grabs something “okay” barry said a pep in his voice. “Thanks”

Barry walks back over to the legends “sorry i'm back but is it okay if you guys stay a little longer the owner want to talk?” the csi says as he sits down “um yeah why?” says sara “i do not know” barry said as he plays with his fingers

After closing they waited till everyone was up stairs  (there masks still on)

“Okay..”says leonard as he stands next to barry he takes a deep breath “i- can you all take your mask of then i will” he said as he looks at the rouges “yes” says lisa as she takes the mask off micks eyes widen “lisa!” says the pieromaniac “hi mick”’ she said as mick hugs her the rest take their masks off exept for len.

Mick hugs them all except tonya he did not know her a smile on his normally scoling face barry smiles as len looks at him “do you want me to help?” Barry said as Len went to take his mask off, Leonard nodded and Barry helped him take the mask off.

The legends look at him in shock “hi guys” he said as he took the hood that he wears off.

“LEONERD” the other legends says running to hug him barry had to move o0ver so he did not get knocked over “hi guys” he said as he hugs them back “h-how” says a crying mick leonard giggled seeing him cry “i dont really know- stop crying big guy” leonard said as he grabs mick face and wiping his tears.

Barry looked at the time “shit-” he says as he sees the time “lenny we are going to be late” he said as he grabs his bag and jacket “wha- OH SHIT” leonerd said as he runs to barry waving “sorry we are going to be late for our date bye” he said as barry and he walk out

“Wait date..” says sara shocked lisa went next to her “yep barry and len have a date today” lisa said as she grabs her phone “welp i got to go can you guys-” she points at the roughs “show them around” she said as she walk out.

Mark goes over to the door to the base putting the key in the key pad “come along” said tonya smiling everyone follows “Wellcome to the base” axel said turning on the light

“Wow” said sara


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