• studying

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jibin : "Do you know where I can sit? I'm having trouble finding a seat." I said to the teacher.

teacher : "Um....let me see." He said to me.

→ The teacher looked around the classroom to find a seat for me.

teacher : "You can sit in the desk in front of Euijoo, Euijoo raise your hand." He said to EJ.

→ I was hoping the teacher would pick another seat for me to sit in. I sighed. EJ raised his hand and I went over to the desk in front of him.

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→ As I was trying to focus on the lesson, I felt someone tap my shoulder with a pencil. I turned around and saw that it was EJ tapping me.

jibin : "What is it?" I asked EJ annoyed.

EJ : "You have a very pretty name." He said to me.

jibin : "Thank you." I said to EJ.

→ I turned around and was continuing to focus on the lesson but EJ was tapping me again.

jibin : "What is it that you want?" I asked EJ.

EJ : "I can't really hear the teacher from back here, can you help me with the assignment?" He asked me.

jibin : "Ask the teacher if he can move you to a closer seat." I said to EJ.

EJ : "No can do." He said to me.

jibin : "Then I'm sorry, I can't help you." I said to EJ.

EJ : "But-" He said to me but the teacher cut him off.

teacher : "Euijoo and Jibin, why are you two talking at this moment? This is an important assignment." He said to me and EJ.

EJ : "I'm sorry, we will be quiet." He said to the teacher.

→ The teacher nodded and continued the lesson.

→ I was listening to the lesson but a piece of paper was thrown on my desk. I sighed because I knew who it was from. I picked up the piece of paper and opened it and read it.

EJ : "Can you please help me after class? I can't really hear the teacher that well." He said on the note.

→ I sighed again and turned back to look at EJ.

jibin : "Meet me in the library." I said to EJ.

EJ : "Thank you." He said to giving me a smile.

→ EJ had the most cutest smile ever.


→ It took me 30 minutes to find the library but I officially found it. I looked around the library and saw EJ sitting on one of the tables. I went over to the table.

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