• 𝗁𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾

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EJ : "Jibin, when are we going to study again?" He asked me.

jibin : "U-uh." I said to EJ nervously while looking at Ahyun.

ahyun : "Hold on a second....Jibin, were you and EJ in the library together?" She asked me.

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→ Jihoon came to pick me up from school.

jihoon : "Hey, how was your first day?" He asked me as I came inside the car.

jibin : "It was....interesting, I can't really explain it." I said to Jihoon.

jihoon : "Is it good interesting or bad interesting?" He asked me.

jibin : "It was in the middle, half good half bad." I said to Jihoon.

jihoon : "You're confusing me." He said to me.

jibin : "Just....don't worry about it, can we go home now?" I asked Jihoon.

jihoon : "Yes but after I instruct my dance class today, can you come along? I don't have time to drop you off." He said to me.

jibin : "Sure." I said to Jihoon.

→ Jihoon nodded and he drove off.


→ Jihoon and I went inside the building where he instructs his dancing class and all of his students greeted the both of us.

jihoon : "Good afternoon students. I brought my sister today with me." He said to everyone.

random girl : "It's so nice to meet you Jihoon's sister, your brother is very nice, talented, and handsome." She said to me.

jibin : "My name is Jibin by the way, and I'm not sure if he's handsome but the other things are nice to hear." I said to the girl.

→ Jihoon scoffed and I laughed. The girl smiled at me.

jihoon : "Let's get started, Jibin, you can sit on the benches." He said to me.

jibin : "Okay." I said to Jihoon.

→ I walked over to the bench and sat on it. As Jihoon was instructing his dance class, I was on my phone.


→ I looked up from my phone and saw Jihoon and his students dancing. I watched how Jihoon was teaching his students the dance moves and it's very admiring. Jihoon already has something he's good at but me on the other hand, sucks at everything. Jihoon tried to make me join his dance class a few years ago and I did. But when I tried to dance, it didn't turn out well. After that, I stopped learning how to dance and I don't have any other hobbies.

jihoon : "Everything, we can take a break for 10 minutes." He said to everyone.

→ Everyone nodded and took a break. I was scrolling on my phone until I saw someone sit beside me on the bench. I looked up and saw that it was 3 girls.

𝖡𝗂𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍 • 𝖡𝗒𝗎𝗇 𝖤𝗎𝗂𝗃𝗈𝗈 𝖥𝖥Where stories live. Discover now