• 𝗍𝗋𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗍𝗌

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→ My brother eventually came home and my grandma greeted him.

grandma : "Hi darling, I made you dinner-" She said to Euijun but he cut her off.

euijun - "I'm not hungry." He said to grandma.

EJ : "Were you with your girlfriend again?" I asked Euijun.

euijun : "And what if I was?" He asked me.

EJ : "But don't you realize that she's a bad influence on you-" I asked Euijun but he cut me off.

euijun : "Can you both just stay out of my business? You don't even know anything!" He yelled at me and grandma.

→ Before I could say something, Euijun went upstairs to his room.

EJ : "I will go talk to him." I said to my grandma.

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→ I was by my locker until I heard a huge slam next to me. I flinched from the loud noise. I turned to my left and saw Ahyun and she was breathing so hard.

jibin : "Ahyun! You startled me, why are you pacing?" I asked Ahyun.

ahyun : "Jibin-ah, I have some good news." She said to me.

jibin : "What is it?" I asked Ahyun.

ahyun : "The cheer squad is finally having tryouts today after school." She said to me.

jibin : "Okay, and?" I asked Ahyun.

ahyun : "I always wanted to be a cheerleader but I never made it into the squad but now is my chance." She said to me.

jibin : "That's great." I said to Ahyun.

ahyun : "And I need to tell you something else." She said to me.

jibin : "What?" I asked Ahyun.

ahyun : "You should tryout with me." She said to me.

jibin : "Um....I will pass on that." I said to Ahyun.

ahyun : "Come on Jibin, you told me you used to do ballet when you were little, right? Why don't you put your flexible body back to the test?" She asked me.

jibin : "Key sentence, I have done ballet when I was little, not in my current age." I said to Ahyun.

ahyun : "But it could be fun, can you at least tryout and see what happens?" She asked me.

→ I sighed.

jibin : "Fine." I said to Ahyun.

→ Ahyun jumped and clapped in excitement.

EJ : "What's this, Ahyun?" He asked Ahyun while coming behind her and snatching the paper from her hands.

𝖡𝗂𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍 • 𝖡𝗒𝗎𝗇 𝖤𝗎𝗂𝗃𝗈𝗈 𝖥𝖥Where stories live. Discover now