• 𝗇𝖾𝗋𝗏𝗈𝗎𝗌

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hyojung : "What brings you here? Are you going to watch me be the good captain as I am?" She asked EJ.

EJ : "Um, no. I came to see Jibin practice." He said to Hyojung.

→ My cheeks started to heat up again.

hyojung : "I'm sorry?" She asked EJ confused.

EJ : "I'm just going to sit here." He said to all of us sitting on the bleachers.

→ Hyojung scoffed.

ahyun : "Are we going to start?" She asked Hyojung.

hyojung : "Let's get this over with." She said to Ahyun annoyingly.

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→ As Ahyun and I were standing in a line to tryout, I felt EJ's eyes on me. It made me feel nervous about all of this because I know he's not going to keep his eyes off me.

hyojung : "First is Ahyun, you have 2 minutes." She said to Ahyun.

ahyun : "Two minutes is all I need." She said to Hyojung.

→ Ahyun did her routine and she did really well. She was on time and she didn't miss any movements.


→ Ahyun finished successfully and Hyojung brought up her mic.

hyojung : "I guess you were good, sit on the bleachers and wait until everyone finishes." She said to Ahyun.

→ Ahyun nodded and went to the bleachers.

hyojung : "Jibin, you're up next, you have 2 minutes." She said to me.

→ I nodded and stood in the middle of the field. I took a deep breath and began to do something. I wasn't sure on what I was doing but I made sure everything look good.


→ I ended successfully and Hyojung and the other girls didn't say anything but just stare at me.

girl 1 : "You did well, Jibin. Have a seat on the bleachers please." She said to me.

→ I was so confused but I just nodded. I sat next to Ahyun on the bleachers. EJ went up the bleachers where me and Ahyun was sitting and sat next to me.

EJ : "You did amazing, Jibin." He said to me with a smile.

jibin : "A-ah, thank you." I said to EJ.

ahyun : "Why are you still here, EJ? Can you just leave already?" She asked EJ annoyingly.

EJ : "I can leave now, yes. I just wanted to see you cheer, I'm off." He said to me.

ahyun : "Ugh! He's so annoying, right?" She asked me.

jibin : "Yes....he is." I said to Ahyun nervously.

→ I wasn't sure what to think about EJ anymore. He seems to be very nice with me.

𝖡𝗂𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗍 • 𝖡𝗒𝗎𝗇 𝖤𝗎𝗂𝗃𝗈𝗈 𝖥𝖥Where stories live. Discover now