🥀let papa help🥀

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transmasc reader <3

this is honestly just a vent :[

btw yes this is the real fucking emails between me and my dad (edited to fit the story ofc) where he lied to my face about my mom because he's fucking delulu :]


you weeped softly as you stared at the emails between you and your dad. shit had gone off the walls since you moved back in with your mom.

you: i think talking in the phone right now is really counterproductive because i keep trying to explain myself and you keep interrupting me and it's frustrating and causing me to shut down and check out. i think if we just email for now it's better for us to get out what we're saying without being passive aggressive or interrupting eachother.

dad: Whatever you want. I want to understand why y/ spent a year tearfully begging to leave there, to get away from y/m/n screaming at them every night until they cried themself to sleep, and live here, and seems to have completely forgotten everything that led to that.

Also, given that y/m/n originally told me that y/n came to her asking to move back and Parker told me that y/m/n is the one who brought it up, I have absolutely no way to know or reason to believe that this is actually y/n.

you: you said not to worry about hurting your feelings and it's much easier saying what i wanna say when i type it out so basically i find it difficult to live with you when you do stuff like scream at the phone and yell a lot. even if it isn't directed at me it's still really upsetting just because i don't like yelling and it's easy for me to think i'm in trouble. you also get unnecessarily upset when i apologize repeatedly but that's just how i am. you also get upset when i shut down when you say you do the same thing when you're upset and it's really frustrating. you also undermined my dysphoria a lot whenever we'd be at the gym and i'd be insecure about wearing a tank top and/or be passive aggressive and say things like "fine then we'll just NEVER go to gym again" when id be overworked from doing the weight lifting and calisthenics routine of an adult. it's also really frustrating when you refuse to leave me at home when you house sit because i wouldn't even be home alone. it's also really annoying how whenever im gone it seems you've bought another random thing from facebook marketplace and either made the house more crowded with it or thrown it in my room, especially since we've established that it's my space. also, another thing is that you get upset with me when i listen to ghost, my literal favorite band even though it's basically a coping mechanism for me, something to get my mind off stuff and bring my mood up. basically, i obviously still love you and it was nice living there but it's less stressful living here and i also think it's better for me to be here especially while my brother grows up so he can actually have an older sibling.

Dad(after 5 days of not responding): I guess after 5 days I should accept that I won't be hearing back from you.

You'll understand when you're older.

you: i said i wanted to talk through here and i've been waiting for a response through here because i know if we talk on the phone it's going to turn into an argument.

Dad: I still have no way of knowing if this is y/n or not, and I'm not gonna pretend that I think I'm actually emailing them.

I clearly don't have to talk to them on the phone. This is the longest I've ever gone without talking to them. I've never lied about anything, and I've always put Parker's best interest first, to the best of my ability as somebody who has absolutely no legal say in their life.

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