Chapter six- Café Meeting- Alastor

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I was a bit shocked at the way Alex talked, sounding angry and... sad? I couldn't really tell, he always hid his emotions even when I first met him. We have known each other for a while, since we were alive. But he's never talked to me like that... is... never mind. It was probably work related, yeah. Work. My eyes stayed on the stairs where he was, still hearing his voice in my head. I snapped out of it and got to my feet from the stool at the bar, adjusting my tie and grabbing my staff, walking over to the couch in the lobby and thinking about how I could make him not so unhappy.

"Alastor? What are you doing? Are you thinking? Huh, never thought you could." I heard the damn king of hell ask from the other couch. I glared up at him with my hands interlocked and resting my elbows on my knees, my hands just under my nose. "I am thinking actually, and I could possibly... need... your help..." He stood up from the couch and stayed still for a second, looking like his brain was buffering. "You need.. my help?" I nodded my head slightly. "Yeah. It's about Alex, he snapped at me a little while ago. I just want to help brighten his day, get him to tell me what is wrong so that way I can help him fix it, if I can, and maybe gain his trust back."

Lucifer looked a bit puzzled. "Um, what do you mean it's about Alex?" I rolled my eyes and stared ahead of me, not feeling myself at the moment. "Yeah, he snapped at me. I was just asking if he was OK and stuff, then he just... lost it. He was also bleeding." Lucifer put a finger on his chin as he started thinking. "Maybe it's his work? I mean, he does work the same job as Angel right? Maybe that's why he was acting like that. Don't let it get to your head." I felt the couch loose weight from when he sat down beside me as Lucifer got to his feet and walked up the stairs to his room.

As I was about to leave also, a thought came into my mind, remembering something that Alex used to love when we were alive, something that always cheered him up when he was feeling down, Café's.

I smiled wider to myself at the memory, proudly walking to the stairs and up to my room. Once I got to my room, I opened the door and walked in, closed the door behind me and walked over to my dresser to get some night clothes. I grabbed a red pair and went back over to my bed to get changed, then ho to sleep after I got in the sheets.

Next day

Groaning slightly and sitting up to stretch, I awoke early, grabbing the corner of the cover and tossing it to the other side of me. I stood up and got some clothes for me to wear, which would just be my everyday clothes. I hummed a small tune and walked over to my door and opened it, walking out of my room and closing the door behind me. I noticed Alex was walking down the hall as well so I decided to strike up a conversation with him.

"Good morning Alex! Have a nice sleep?" He jumped when he heard my voice, swiftly turning his body so that way he was facing me. After he realized it was me, he visibly relaxed then winced and put a hand on his side. A look of concern covered my face as he did that, about to ask if anything was wrong before being interrupted. "Like I said last night, I'm not okay, I'm in pain. So no need to ask." Alex spoke up without even sparring me a glance. "Alright. But I have something to ask if you." I remembered the plan I made last night and decided to ask him if he wanted to at this time. He looked up from staring at his side and looked up at me.

"Would you like to go to a café with me? Since I know you love them a lot and you're feeling so terrible this morning. How's that sound, hm?" He looked back down at the ground in thought, soon staring back up at me then smiling softly, nodding his head as gently as he could. "I'd love to, just like we used to, right?" I rolled my eyes and nodded my head. Alex chuckled. Hearing him chuckle made my heart pound against my rib cage, making me feel weird. "Alright then, when shall we leave darling?" "Maybe after breakfast? We can leave to the café just for a drink and to chat. It's been awhile since we had like, an actual talk. It'd be nice." We both walked down the stairs and to the lobby.

After breakfast

Alex had some pain killers before we left so his body wouldn't hurt as much when we went to the café. The place I was thinking of was somewhere near Cannibal Town, not in said town, but close. We decided to walk there since it was an unusually nice day in hell. It wasn't a very long walk as it only took us a few minutes until we were in Cannibal Town, looking at all of the decorations in the town. "I never knew Cannibal Town was so nice. I thought it would just be covered in blood and other organs." I turned my head towards where he is to see him looking all over the place, a little sparkle in his eye, making me let out a small chuckle. "Why yes, of course it's nice."

After a bit more walking, we arrived at the doors of the café 'Florence's Café'. (Just feel like someone in Cannibal Town would be named Florence.) I pushed open the doors and held them open for Alex. He gave a small smile and walked in, me following behind while gently closing the door. Soon after we entered the place, Alex spotted an empty table and dragged me along with him, taking us to the table and seating in the seat across from me. After waited a couple minutes sitting in a comfortable silence, a waitress walked up to us and asked for our orders.

"I'll just have a coffee." "I'll also have a coffee and a white chocolate cookie please." The waitress took our orders and nodded her head. "So, what have you been up to before you agreed to come to the hotel with us?" The silence was getting kind of unbearable so I wanted to make some small talk, start a conversation. "Nothing much. Doing concerts, working for Val, you know, the usual things I do." He interlocked his fingers together and started playing with his thumbs. We went back into silence until the same waitress came back with our orders.

"Here is you coffee," she turned to me and handed me my coffee, "and here's your coffee and cookie." She handed him his order. "Thank you darling." "Takk." (Thanks.) She looked at him and smiled again. "Ikke noe problem, nyt." (No problem, enjoy.) Then she turned and left. He picked up a milk packet and poured it in his coffee, grabbing a spoon and stirring it. I just picked up my cup and brought it to my lips, placing them on my cup and taking a sip. Alex did the same thing after he was done stirring his drink, placing his drink back down then grabbing the cookie he got and taking a bite out of that.

I started up a bit of small talk with him again, him replying to me surprisingly. This went on for a while until we heard the bell go off, signalling that someone walked in. Alex looked behind me and his face instantly went shocked, maybe also a bit scared. I scrunched up my face a bit and turned my head to also look behind me, my face turning to one of annoyance.

That damn TV is here... Vox.


This one is a bit shorter than I intended but I wanted to make this a continuous one. Also, when I'm done this book, should I make one that's about their human life or the next book to this book? I'm not asking a question that can answer itself, it's a question I want you guys to answer. Please.

1430 words.

Alastor x Male Oc | 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑰𝒏𝒄𝒖𝒃𝒖𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑯𝒂𝒛𝒃𝒊𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒍Where stories live. Discover now