Chapter Seven- Shattering a TVs Dream - No one

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Alex thoughtsAlastor thoughts————————————————————————

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Alex thoughts
Alastor thoughts

Both the demons turned their heads away from The TV Demon so that he wouldn't see the two. That plan did not go as planned. Vox noticed the two and put a big smile on his face, walking over to their table and took a seat next to The Fox Demon. Alex moved all the way to the window to get as far away from the other as he could, being practically smooshed against the wall. "Hey! It's been a long while hasn't it?" He directed that towards Alastor. "And Alex, great show last night, can't wait to see more~." Alex felt a shiver go down his spine, trying to get rid of the image in his head. Alastor put on a fake smile and crossed his arms over each other on the table. "Yes, it has been quite awhile. And what do you mean 'what a nice show last night'?"

Alex just continued to drink his coffee and sometimes dip his cookie in the coffee, trying to not be included in the conversation happening between the two rivals. "Oh, just some work related stuff," he turns towards the male next to him, "how's your back? It seemed like a wild shoot." Alex replied, without making eye contact, "it's getting better. Alastor got me pain killers so the pain is subsiding." Vox shot a small glare in The Radio Demons direction, quickly averting his eyes back to Alex. "Ah, that's nice."

The waitress from before comes over again and sees that there is a new person there. "Hello! Would you like something to drink or do you have what you want to order?" Vox thinks for a moment then replies. "Just a green tea, please." She noted it down and walked to the kitchen. Vox turned his head to face in front of him again and had a staring contest with Alastor, almost challenging him. Alex noticed the tension between to the two and wanted to get away for a bit. "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom," he pushed his drink and cookie to the other seat on the table and waited for Vox to move so he could get out. Vox finally moved out of the seat and let Alex out then sat back down after he left for the bathroom.

"What are you doing with him?" Vox turned to Alastor with a cold glare. The red head just smiled wider and stared at the other. "Well, if you really must know, I took him here so he would cheer up! He came back to the hotel all sad and stuff, and I remembered that he loved cafés when we were alive. So I thought that he would love it if he were here," he took a quick pause and sent a glare back at Vox. "He was enjoying it until you came along, if you hadn't noticed." Vox was about to say something when the waitress came back with his order. "Sorry it took so long, had to serve someone else." She placed the cup in front of Vox on the table and left after saying "enjoy."

Vox thanked her and set aside the drink when she was gone. Alastor noticed that Alex was finally coming back from the bathroom and went back to his usual mood. Vox took notice of this and looked behind him, turning back around as fast as he could the moment he spotted the third male and put a smile on his face. As Vox was going to move out of his seat, Alastor beat him to it and Alex got in the seat Alastor was in, again going all the way to the window. The two overlords started a new staring contest again as the third one drank the rest of his coffee and ate the rest of his cookie, spying in his territory. He noticed nothing out of the ordinary so he came back to reality to find the two practically touching noses, still doing the damn staring contest.

"Are you two done or should I just leave and let you two continue?" They both blinked at the same time and turned their heads to see a very bored and annoyed face. The blueberry and the strawberry were about to say something at the same time but got interrupted but a hand moving in front of their faces, stopping them from talking any further. "I don't wanna hear it. Al, let's just go. And Vox, have a nice day." Alex pushed Alastor out of the seat and dragged him away out of the café by his arm, Vox quickly following after them. Mostly after Alex.

The two walked out of the café with Vox pretty much right on their tail. "Hey! Wait! Alex! I wanna talk to you about something." Alex stopped in his tracks and let go of the deers arm, turning his body to face the TV behind them. "What do you want? If you can't tell, we're in a hurry to get back home." The fox crossed his arms over his chest and looked up at Vox, having a blank expression on his face. "I just wanted to ask if you were... not... you know... taken..." He whispers the last part, but Alex heard him. "Um, unfortunately no." Vox looked shocked and a little hurt at that, letting his arms fall to his sides. "Who. What? How? When? Who?"

Alex started to panic as Alastor looked confused. The fox suddenly, out of panic, said this. "Alastor." ... wow. Vox looked behind Alex to the other with a mouth agape look. Alastor just stared at Alex with a '...pardon?' Look. Vox looked back to the shorter one and smirked. "I don't believe you. Prove it." Alastor kept looking back and fourth between the two, Alex sighing and taking a few steps back then turning back around to face Alastor. I can't believe I'm about to do this... Alex transferred his thought to Alastor. About to do what? Before Alastor even got an answer from him, Alex was only inches away from his face, his breath softly hitting his face.

Next thing Alastor knew, his lips were connected to Alex's. His arms wrapped around his neck as his were around the smallers waist out of instinct, and possibly from having a tiny winy small crush on said demon he is currently kissing.

"Oh... I guess it is true..."

This was a bit shorter but it was very fun to write.

1087 words.

Alastor x Male Oc | 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑰𝒏𝒄𝒖𝒃𝒖𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑯𝒂𝒛𝒃𝒊𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒍Where stories live. Discover now