Taking Action

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Three days have passed.

And with this time, came planning.

Allen commanded the deployment of mines along the front lines, which enabled the strategic redistribution of ACUs to other locations. Thousands were positioned across various regions of the planet, effectively impeding the Nixus' progression. The situation reached a critical juncture where the Nixus would either succumb or obtain additional support. It was only a matter of time.

The policy of Arctos Dominion dictates that periods of slowdown are opportunities for reconstruction. "Build what you can, whenever you can," is the mantra he's familiar with.

Following the near destruction of both Inkopolis and Splatsville, Allen initiated a significant reconstruction effort. The projections estimate a three-month timeline for completion, although he anticipates a swifter turnaround. The task of detailing the specifics has been entrusted to Cv-6.

Yet, his conflict with the Octarians was far from over. Personally gathering roughly fifty or so ACUs, Allen became the spearhead of a small invasion into Octarian territory. Harper and Mel joined him, while Sasha remained under the care of Marie and Callie, where she has been for some time.

It's been twelve hours since the invasion, and with Cv-7's scans of their territory, his pace was remarkedly quick.

Enemy casualties have reached six hundred and climbing.

Allen was merciless. Any target detected beyond visual range was eliminated by drones or a team of snipers. For longer distances, they used artillery.

For contacts within visual range, they were hunted down and killed.

Within these mountains, though, there wasn't much in the way of hunting. Just basically wasteland with wide open areas. Can't run much there, so it was easy to pick off targets.

But Allen was aware of the underground sections they lived in.

Mostly, the Octarians down there were civilians, so he had no reason to care. However, the main military they form is down there too. He's traveling up top towards an entry point that leads right into the heart of their operations.

And the leaders of the OA, whoever they are, were panicking. Team after team of Octolings were headed after him and quickly dispatched. He wasn't sure why they were so reluctant to send more than a dozen each time, but it just made it easier for him.

And here they were near the top of a mountain, stopping for a few minutes to let the humans of this squad rest their feet.

Mel might not have been human, strictly speaking, but the principle remained. Do Inklings need to rest? Such questions, he assumed, were for another day.

Leaning casually against a weathered giant rock formation, Allen stood tall with his arms folded across his chest, his gaze fixed upon the distant cityscape that shimmered faintly in the afternoon sunlight. He could barely see the city at all, but what he could was a sight to see.

"Another contact west, another north..." Mel murmured to herself, perched comfortably on the same rock that Allen was leaning against, her eyes focused on the data displayed on Allen's PDA.

After the incident at the studio, it did take a day to get it, but the PDA was safe and sound.

A sudden distant gunshot pierced the air, swiftly followed by the elimination of the contact to the north by one of the sniper teams.

"Oh, never mind. Just one now." Mel remarked, her eyes narrowing as she peered in the direction of the... 'now-vanquished' target. "So many scouts lately... You think that means something, Sarge?" She asked, looking to Allen for his insight.

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