Some information

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Hi there author Milky here!
I'm here to say that I am discontinuing this book and just going to let it be.
It has come to my consent about the Abusing with Wilbur soot / William gold, and Shubble / Shelby.
So I am not going to continue this book nor am I going to finish this book.
At first I thought it was just some allegations and I already got the next chapter ready. But as I saw the allegations were real, I decided to just discontinue this book.
I am so sorry for the readers who enjoyed this book, that I am no longer going to continue / update this book.
Again I apologize for discontinuing this book. I have made some other books for those who wants to read.

Please do support Shubble / Shelby for everything she has been going through, and please don't bully her for everything she has been doing. I do support her with all my heart.

I do not know if I am still going to continue my other books about Wilbur soot / William gold, or just discontinuing them. so for those who Are asking I do not know.

Thank you for reading, and listening.
And please do support Shubble / Shelby for everything she has been going through.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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