Chapter 2

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Tony's POV

We, meaning the Avengers, were in the meeting room where Fury called us. When Fury gave us a file and asked us to detain someone, I couldn't help but sigh.

"Not again," I mumbled. I mean, it was 2 A.M.! Well, technically 2 A.M. and 10 minutes, because I was making a fashionable entrance, but whatever. Now, as I was saying, why would I feel welcome when someone gives me a file in the middle of the actual freaking flipping frigging night? (I don't swear on a daily basis)

I don't think the rest of the team agreed with me because both Clint and Nat looked like this happened every day, Bruce was just taking micro naps now and then, and Steve was just... being a soldier. Seriously, what's wrong with these people? I only got two hours of sleep and they looked ready to fight! I know we're the Avengers, but I only had two. Hours. Of. Sleep. Out of 48 hours!

Anyways, back on track.

"Perseus Jackson." Steve took the file and began reading it out loud but paused. "Fury, he's 18."

"So?" Fury asked, irritated. He was just always irritated.

"You want us to detain a kid."

"Legally, he is an adult." Fury stated.

"Well, yes," Steve hesitated, trying to find another logical reason.

"But his record started when he was a kid. Why didn't you detain him sooner?" Natasha asked. Steve nodded along, probably glad that someone was at least having similar thoughts.

"Because he was cleared of all charges." Fury stated, simply.

"Then why now? Isn't he already cleared of everything?" Clint asked, leaning forward.

"Because it's suspicious." Fury simply stated, again. Steve sighed and continued reading the file.

Great! This should be easy! I mean, he's 18, how hard could it be? One 18-year-old versus the avengers? An easy win for the avengers!

~ Time Skip Brought To You By Speed The Hero ~

(Cause he's fast)

Natasha's POV

Fury dismissed us after showing us the file. And no, I was not on the brink of sleep at all. Unlike him, Tony, who looked like he was going to die from being sleep deprived, despite being late with an all too dramatic entrance. I could help him with the kill part, and in fact, I would do so voluntarily if killing other members, annoying, useless, and childish or not, was not allowed.

After looking at the file, to be honest, I didn't know whether or not to be surprised. Internally, of course.

Many people are trained at a young age. Although, he was a boy, so he couldn't go to the Red Room. A problem for 'training', though, was that he was a baby for his first record. And... he strangled a snake when he was an infant!? What was he, Hercules?

As a spy, I knew that looks could be deceiving, but it was still unbelievable. His record started when he was an infant. He couldn't have training that time whatsoever. Unless... he was a mutant. But, who knows, he might not be. The world just keeps going mayhem. What next? Characters flying out of books? Perseus Jackson, though, was not the case. There is just no book that mentions a Perseus with the last name, Jackson. I know it, I just do.

Also, his father was missing. Somewhat reasonable, there were several shipwrecks, crashes, and a few other accidents around the time when Perseus was born, but it didn't mention how, so still a bit suspicious.

Then, his first stepfather was also gone. That was strange, there was no record of him going anywhere except for Perseus's house. Which reminds me, what did Perseus's first stepfather do cooped up in the house all the time?

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