Chapter 3

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Connor's POV

When Leo announced that he made McShizzle Phones, I almost forgot how and what I was stealing from Jason. After 5 seconds of pausing from shock, I somehow managed to not get caught and remember my task. You see, Clarisse told me that I would never be able to steal Jason's coin sword, and she literally bet 200 drachmas on it!

Well, Clarisse was going to lose 200 drachmas today, and Travis agreed with me.

But, before that! Priorities. Leo ended up at the infirmary for not IM'ing us campers or sending us a message that he was alive, so we couldn't discuss our weekly prank. But when he showed up with McShizzle Phones... change of plans. Clarisse was going to lose 200 drachmas and get lyric pranked. I quietly told Travis to go get ready to make Clarisse fall from her seat with a certain prank that happens on the phone, and Travis grinned like crazy. We were brothers, after all. We don't need to tell each other what to do, we think the same way.

The fact that we were grinning like crazy must've made Thalia suspicious, because she asked us if the phones were a prank or not.

Well, obviously not! We just trust Leo's inventions! And I'm pretty sure 'McShizzle Phones' means 'phones that were made by the Super-sized McShizzle', and if it was a prank, why would Leo be erupting into flames now and then and hyperventilating like crazy?

Exactly. What? I had to be smart to be a prankster and a thief!

We really didn't want to make them suspicious, about why we were going to leave so early so we just told them we were going to lyric prank someone.

Namely, Clarisse.

We both darted out of the Big House before anyone could ask us questions.

Travis's POV

I was mad at Clarisse for betting on my brother. I mean, hello? We were the best pranksters in town! Or camp, but you get it.

We were going to prank multiple people, of course! But Clarisse - she was our biggest target. For one of the pranks, though, we needed Leo. The McShizzle. The hot man. Commander of the Argo II. Connor and I quickly went into our secret prank-preparing bunker and started thinking of songs that were suitable for lyric pranking.

We figured that we could prank Jason first. We could totally do 'Uptown Funk' on Leo's phone. Or we could just ask Leo to do it. After all, prankstersr help each other!

If we got Chris to join us, we might be able to prank Clarisse with 'I Want It That Way', but Chris could be the typical loyal boyfriend, so we were going to have to get Piper in on this to. We figured blackmail would be the most efficient way to get her in.


I had over 30 recordings and videos of the most popular couples at camp!

Anyways, maybe I could use the clip of Jason telling her,

"You know..."

Which Piper responded by panickily saying,

"Oh my gods! Are you going to break up with me!?"

Jason just stared at her weirdly and said,

"What gave you that idea?"

Piper flushed a deep red before they leaned in for a kiss. The video was something Piper wouldn't want the whole camp knowing, so it was perfect.

Then, if we weren't stuck in the infirmary, we would prank Lou with 'Hello' by Adele.

Honestly, we WERE the BEST at pranking, but some people were faster at running then us.

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