Bad Liar

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3rd Year

Lost in confusing, lovely, and lustful thoughts about Malfoy, Harry gazed dreamily at Malfoy.

Divination was Harry's least favorite class. Professor Trelawney's confusing and illogical teaching style had even started to affect Hermione.

It was unusual to see the Slytherins attending Divination class with the Gryffindors. Normally, the Ravenclaws would have been sitting with them, but there had been a change in the timetable due to the absence of Snape and McGonagall, which had caused some classes to be missed.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of Hogwarts Castle, the teachers were hard at work, keeping a watchful eye on every corner and ensuring that the mischievous Dementors didn't come anywhere near the students.

"Neville, what do you see in the crystal ball?" Trelawney asked amidst the mocking laughter of the Slytherins.

Ginny lightly nudged Harry to get his attention. Harry cleared his mind.

"Who do you like Harry?" Ginny spoke up desperately. Harry's face turned red, his heart racing.

Blushing madly, Harry fidgeted with his quill and parchment and asked, "Why do you want to know?" His knees felt weak and he had a funny feeling in his stomach.

"Please tell Harry, we want to know. Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Percy, Penelope, and I are all curious." Ginny stopped talking when Trelawney gave her a warning glare while studying Neville's Crystal Ball.

"Tell no?" Ginny whispered.

Harry blushed and confessed, "I like Malfoy..." before burying his head in his arms.

"Ooo- Harry Potter crushing on Draco Malfoy-" Ginny was shushed by Harry putting his hand over her mouth.

"Shh! Ginny, don't let people hear you say that!" Harry spoke as he blushed furiously.

Draco had a smirk on his face.

Harry was writing the ingredients for his Potion when a piece of paper hit him in his face.

Meet me at the Astronomy Tower at 5 PM. Come alone, and please leave that Gryffindor strength of yours. It won't be of use when you are there ;)


Harry felt a rush of red coloring his cheeks. He observed Malfoy, who was intentionally avoiding Harry's gaze and instead looking at Snape."


Harry asked if there was anyone there as his friends were in Hogsmeade, but he couldn't join them since his uncle didn't sign his permission form.

Harry froze as he heard a familiar voice behind him, "What a pity, but you actually came." Before he could turn around, he was pressed against the wall and a hand ran softly through his neck. The touch sent shivers down his spine as he wondered who could be behind those hands.

"Is it true that you like me, Potter?" Draco's seductive voice whispered in Harry's ear as he pinned his hands above his head and stared into his emerald green eyes.

"I don't! Who told you that nonsense? It's rubbish," Harry spoke up, defending himself.

"Maybe you, yourself," Draco spoke up lightly and he leaned in towards Harry and softly kissed him, causing Harry to initially be shocked but soon melt into the kiss. 

They pulled apart shortly, staring at each other lovingly. Draco played his thumb at Harry's chin, stroking it.

"You are a Bad Liar" Draco spoke softly in Harry's ears, smirking right after.


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