Locked Up

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Harry Potter was constantly bothered by a few things that seemed to irk him to no end. One of them was the strange feeling he had for his archenemy, Malfoy, which he couldn't quite put his finger on. Additionally, he had shared numerous embarrassing moments with Malfoy, which he wished he could forget. To make matters worse, he had recently found out that Malfoy had been appointed as a prefect, which only added to Harry's frustrations.

As much as he tried to resist it, there were certain undeniable qualities about Malfoy that caught his attention. The way his silver-grey eyes seemed to have a subtle blue hue in the right light was simply mesmerizing. His soft and silky white-blonde hair was so perfectly styled it was almost impossible not to get lost in its allure. The way his tall frame was perfectly toned and sculpted made it hard to look away. And let's not forget his face - every feature seemed to be perfectly formed and placed in just the right way. It was hard to deny the sheer beauty and magnetism that radiated from Malfoy, no matter how much he tried to ignore it.

Despite their strained relationship, Harry still managed to capture Malfoy's attention from time to time, proving that even the most difficult of connections can be mended with effort and persistence.

As Harry cautiously navigated the winding corridors, he couldn't shake the feeling that trouble was lurking around every corner. Suddenly, his foot caught on something and he stumbled forward, nearly losing his balance. Looking down, he realized that he had tripped over his invisibility cloak, which he had hastily thrown over himself in an attempt to avoid detection. But as he regained his composure and looked up, he found himself face to face with none other than Draco Malfoy, who was glaring at him with suspicion and malice.
"Well, Detention Potter," Draco sneered while saying so, and Harry was glad that it was night, or else Draco would have seen how flustered he was.

Yeah, he probably had a huge crush on Malfoy.

"Stop staring idiot, I have to get you to Filch," Draco said as Harry came back to the earth and briskly followed Draco behind. Draco soon opened Filch's door and sat on one of the chairs.

With great dismay, Harry and Draco heard the click of the lock as Filch shut the door from the outside. It was obvious that he had assumed everyone had left the building and was closing up his office for the night. Harry ran frantically towards the door and began banging on it with all his might, his heart racing with panic. Draco was equally frantic, his eyes darting around the room for any possible exit. The sudden realization that they were trapped inside the building with no means of escape sent shivers down their spines.

"No-No-No-No! Not with him please!" Harry pleaded and soon leaned back the door, as Draco looked at him in pure disgust.

Soon minutes passed, minutes to hours, and Harry quite kept dozing off multiple times, with every time waking up with a rude remark from Malfoy.

"Sleeping again, Potter?" Draco remarked snarkily.

"At least better than handling your shit, Malfoy," Harry replied, flustering slightly.

"Oh yeah? You bet, Potter," Draco spoke and stood up, making his way towards Harry, as Harry's heart began to beat fast. Draco kneeled and gazed at Harry, his lips curling in a smirk.

It was astonishing how the dominant Harry Potter was letting a death eater take advantage of him like that. Harry had become a submissive for Draco right now.

As their noses touched, they leaned in slowly, not letting pass the moment that easily. Harry was still hesitant to believe that a pure blood none other than Draco Malfoy himself was so close to Harry.

"You are such a jackass, you know that right?"

"Stop it Malfoy," Harry reluctantly replied, with a pair of soft lips crashing onto his own. Harry kissed back hesitantly, soon melting into the kiss and letting his hands slide behind the blonde's neck.

Draco finally pulled apart, both panting like crazy with a string of saliva running down their mouths.

"I've noticed how you had been staring at me, Potter?"


Draco laughed softly as Harry's cheeks turned a deep shade of red. He pulled Harry close and held him tight as Harry leaned on him.

"If anyone spots us in the morning, I'll make sure to rip your skull,"

"You wish, Potter," Draco replied as Harry closed his eyes and relaxed into the silence, he couldn't help but feel content as he listened to the soothing sound of Draco's heartbeat. It was a moment of pure bliss that he didn't want to end.

Maybe being locked up with his enemy wasn't a bad idea.


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