A Misunderstanding

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Have you ever felt the unbearable pain of losing someone you loved deeply? That feeling of sadness that grips your heart and refuses to let go, no matter how hard you try to shake it off. That feeling of helplessness when you realize that no matter what you do, you can't bring that person back. Have you ever loved someone so intensely that you would go to any lengths to make them happy, even if it meant putting your own life at risk?

It's inevitable that at some point in life, someone we care about deeply will betray us. Despite the nagging feeling in the back of our minds that it could happen, we remain captivated by the allure of that person. And when the betrayal does come, it's a bitter pill to swallow - a harsh reality that can be difficult to accept.

Have you ever experienced the pain of losing someone who was an integral part of your life? The kind of person who made you feel alive and complete, who shared your joys and sorrows, and who you thought would be by your side forever? But then, for some reason, they were no longer there. Maybe they left you, or maybe you left them. Whatever the reason, you suddenly realized that you had lost not just that person, but a part of yourself too.

 You feel like a piece of your heart has been torn away, leaving you feeling empty and confused. It's hard to know what to feel at that moment. Do you feel happy that you left them, sad that they left you, or angry that they used you? The emotions are so mixed up that it's difficult to make sense of them. All you know is that something important is missing, and you don't know how to fill the void.

The same case was with Harry.

As Harry struggled to remain awake, his best mate, Ron looked at him anxiously.

"Harry, you haven't even touched your food? Is anything wrong?" Ron asked, although he knew what was wrong, he didn't want to think about it.

"Everything is wrong Ron. It feels so-so-so stupid to live without him," Harry said and swallowed back some tears.

"Harry, you are sacrificing your life for an idiot! Look! He's there laughing freely with his new girlfriend and here's you, making your life a living hell," Hermione said, feeling sympathetic.

"Why is he so irresistible?" Harry spoke blankly, looking at the Slytherin table, his eyes fixed on a striking blonde, with mesmerizing silver-gray eyes that had a subtle blue tint to them. His hair is a perfect shade of white blonde, and his physique is nothing short of perfect. His face is simply stunning, leaving a lasting impression on anyone who sees it.

Little did Harry know, that it was a stupid idea for getting in a relationship with none other than Draco Malfoy, but what could he do? Harry's long-time crush had finally asked him out, how was he to say no?

Then again, after that night, when Draco had slapped Harry, accusing him of a cheating git, Harry couldn't help but feel astonished. Draco didn't trust him enough right?

God, how he wished to be the lucky girl right now, being with Draco Malfoy, feeling his embrace, his strong protective aura, his gentle kisses, and his beautiful smile, was it too much to ask?

Harry and his friends made their way towards the Great Hall, their footsteps echoing through the empty corridors. As they walked, they chatted about their usual studies and upcoming exams, sharing tips and tricks they had learned. However, Harry seemed lost in thought, his gaze fixed on some distant point ahead of him. His friends noticed his absent-mindedness and tried to draw him into the conversation, but Harry remained in his world, lost in his thoughts..

"How dare you!" A hoarse voice broke them out of their thoughts, as Harry's ears and head perked up at the familiar voice.

Draco was held by his mates, Blaise and Pansy, as Astoria Greengrass stood by the wall, with some other boy, hand in hand.

Strange. She was Draco's girlfriend.

"What's happening here?" Hermione spoke confusedly as everyone looked at her. Harry locked his eyes with his ex-boyfriend, Malfoy. Draco looked at him sympathetically, as he sprung out of his friend's grip and embraced Harry tightly.

Everyone except Pansy, Blaise, and Astoria was flabbergasted. Slowly, Harry melted in the familiar arms and leaned his weight against Draco

"I am sorry," Draco spoke, sadly as he clutched onto Harry tighter.


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