Love at First Sip

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5th Year

Hermione was uncertain about which drink to give Harry and how it would affect him, but she still decided to give him the potion labeled 'Healing Potion'. Harry had recently been bruised due to the Defence Against Dark Arts class.

Harry drank the liquid. It tasted good at first, but soon after, he groaned and held his head.

He soon looked at Hermione and Ron in front of him and stared at them for a few seconds. He moved his eyes and scanned the infirmary.

"Harry, are you okay?" Ron asked about his behavior.

"Where is Draco?"


Draco's name slipped by Harry's tongue left both Hermione and Ron bewildered. The fact that he referred to his adversary by his first name and was now desperately searching for him was astonishing to them.

Harry quickly stood up, his attention drawn towards the door. Ron and Hermione were right behind him, and as Hermione examined the "Healing Potion," she realized that the label was a fake cover-up. This discovery left them all feeling uneasy and uncertain about what they should do next.

"Love Potion", huh? That sounds like an interesting story. Can you tell me more about it?" Ron whispered as he peeked and observed the object that Hermione was carrying.

"Uh-oh! Harry just gulped it down! What are we going to do now?" Hermione exclaimed, pacing around the room with a hint of anxiety in her voice.

And suddenly, it hit them like a ton of bricks.

"Can you believe Harry loves Draco? How is that even possible?" Ron and Hermione's voices overlapped, both uttering the same sentence. Reacting swiftly, Harry rushed towards the door and energetically strode out in search of Malfoy.

"Quick, we can't let him spill the beans to Malfoy!" Hermione exclaimed, urging Ron to run after the culprit. With adrenaline pumping through their veins, they sprinted to catch up with him before it was too late. The stakes were high, and failure was not an option.

As Draco Malfoy walked with his friends, he noticed a boy running towards him followed by two more silhouettes.

Harry's eyes lit up as he saw Draco standing there. Without hesitation, he ran towards him and hugged him tightly, leaving everyone around them in awe of the unexpected display of affection. "Draco!" Harry exclaimed with pure joy in his voice.

"I-What in Merlin's name, Potter?" Draco exclaimed, struggling to disentangle himself from Harry's grip upon spotting Ron and Hermione heading their way.

Draco sneered as Ron and Hermione attempted to remove Harry from his grasp. "Weasley, Granger! Get this Potterhead away from me!" However, Harry refused to let go, instead burying his head deeper into Draco's chest. The tension in the room was palpable as the two rivals stood locked in a seemingly never-ending embrace.

Hermione Granger was standing in front of Draco Malfoy, looking guilty and ashamed. "You see, Malfoy," she begins, her voice heavy with regret, "Harry's been under a Love Potion, so I ask forgiveness for this mistake."

They finally managed to disentangle Harry from the hug and escorted him to the Gryffindor dormitory.

Harry's heart pounded as he struggled to break free from Hermione and Ron's grasp. "Why are you taking me away from Draco!" he cried out. "I hate you! I want to go back to him. Draco, help me!" Desperate to escape, he lunged towards Draco, his face breaking into a wide grin as he felt the familiar comfort of his touch.

Draco's arms wrapped around Harry tightly, pulling him close as Hermione and Ron approached them. He was stroking Harry's hair gently, lost in the moment of their embrace.  Meanwhile, Hermione and Ron stood at a distance, waiting patiently for Draco to join them again.

Draco turned towards Harry's friends, concern etched on his face. "Hey, do you mind if Potter crashes in the Slytherin dormitories tonight? He's not feeling too well and I don't think he can make it back to his dorm in this state," he said, supporting Harry's weight as he swayed. Gently stroking Harry's hair, he looked up at his friends, hoping they would understand the gravity of the situation.

"Finally! I was waiting for you to ask that question. Don't worry, we don't mind at all. Oh, and do forgive Ron's screaming, he's just a bit noisy at times," Hermione said with a light-hearted tone, as she playfully nudged Ron to calm down and return to the dormitories.

Crabbe and Goyle shuddered as the question was asked, 'Are we invisible here?'"


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