Vampire's Craving

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3rd Year

Have you ever had the feeling that someone is constantly staring at you? Well, Harry is going through a similar experience. He's convinced that Malfoy has been giving him the evil eye for hours, and it's really starting to get under his skin. Can you imagine how uncomfortable that must feel?

Harry was feeling quite confused about his emotions towards Malfoy. To make matters worse, Malfoy's recent strange behavior was only adding to his struggle.

Hermione had suspected his actions and concluded with 'he's an obvious vampire, craving for your blood Harry.' 
Hermione seemed to have noticed something odd about Draco's behavior and she made a bizarre statement, "He's an obvious vampire, craving for your blood Harry." It had left  Harry feeling confused and bewildered. What could Hermione possibly mean by that? Is she prying on him or is there some truth to her statement? He's left wondering what to make of it.

Ugh, it's so frustrating to hear Hermione speak so plainly about it when it's related to me only, who has no idea what he's doing!

"And then you pat his head and bow," Hagrid carefully taught as the other children listened with full attention.

As the group gathered around, Harry and Draco couldn't help but feel an unspoken tension in the air. Despite trying to maintain their distance, a strong craving seemed to linger between them, leaving both of them feeling restless and uneasy. It was as if they were being pulled towards each other, but something was holding them back. What could it be?

As the kids packed their bags and prepared to leave, Harry quickly gathered his belongings and stood up. However, just as he was about to make his way out, he felt a sudden tug on his arm and was pulled away without a word behind a nearby boulder. What could be happening? Harry's heart raced as he tried to make sense of the mysterious situation.

As Harry was about to speak up, a sudden force covered his mouth, silencing him. He tried to move, but the grip was too strong. Who could it be? What did they want? Harry's mind raced with questions as he struggled to break free. 

Harry still couldn't dare to look straight to the person holding him firmly by his waist. The person took advantage of the moment and attached his mouth to Harry's neck, making Harry yelp lightly.

Soon the attacker started to suck off his blood as Harry felt the moment being pleasurable. Harry moaned lightly, feeling his heart beating fast as Harry clutched onto the person's robes tightly and leaned his weight on him.

Harry felt a certain amount of dizziness creep unto him as finally, the person detached himself from Harry. Harry couldn't help but fall onto the person's arms, as the person held him protectively and safely, rubbing circles on his back.

Harry woke up comfortably on his bed, as he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

What? It had been evening already? Why didn't Ron or Hermione wake him? He only had attended a few classes and left some of them!

Harry looked around to find a mysterious note attached to his table.

You are probably awake when you are reading this, listen you have missed many of your classes I know but I don't care. Just-Just make sure to eat the food that is attached with the note.
-A Vampire

"What the hell? Why don't I remember anything?" Harry whispered and gazed around the room.


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