I promise I'll love you forever

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It's been four months since Maya and Carina separated after six years of marriage and a little girl.
The two women tried for so long to have a baby but each pregnancy test was negative so they decided to adopt a little girl, Abigail.
Abigail loved her two moms very much but she had a particular connection with Maya, they were like the same person.

Maya was sitting on the couch looking at her phone gallery while waiting for her daughter to return from school.
After a while, Maya stops to look at a particular photo, the one Andy took on Abby’s seventh birthday when the two women finally officially adopted her.
She can’t believe it’s been four years.
They were so happy.

"Happy birthday Abby", Maya says hugging the girl.

"Thank you Mrs. Maya"

"Carina and I have a surprise for you. Carina bring here Abby's present please"

Carina enters the room with an envelope and gives it to Abby.

"Happy birthday baby. Open the envelope"

"Adoption certificate? Abigail Deluca-Bishop? Really? You adopted me and I have your last name now? It’s the best day of my life"

"We are happy to have you here with us"

"Can I call you moms now?"

"Sure baby"

Then she smiles looking at the photo of their wedding placed on the television cabinet; that day was the most beautiful of her life, followed by the day when Abby officially became their daughter.

"I loved you three years ago, I loved two years ago, I loved you last year, I love now and I promise I'll love you forever.", Carina says during the wedding vows.

A tear comes down from Maya’s eyes remembering that moment, but she forces herself to pull herself together because she felt the door open sign that her daughter had returned from school.

"Hi baby, how are you? How was school?", Maya asks.

"Fine, i'm gonna take a nap", Abby says kissing her mother's cheek and then she goes to her room.

After a while, Maya gets up from the couch and knocks on the door of her daughter’s room.

"Leave me alone mom"

"Can we talk? In this house when we have a problem we talk, remember?"


Maya enter in her daughter’s room and sits on her bed next to her.

"I miss mamma. I miss spending time together and I don’t want this thing that we live in one house and mamma in another...I want to be with you at the same time," says Abby hugging Maya.

"I know baby, I miss her too"

"So why you two broke up if you miss each other?"

"Remember when mom and I used to fight all the time? We broke up because we couldn’t get along anymore, but remember that even if mom and I don’t live together anymore, we’ll always be there for you."

"Thanks mom."

"Did anything else happen at school?"

"No mom, don’t worry."

"Are you sure?

"Yeah, trust me"

"All right then. Now go take a shower so we can order some food and have dinner on the couch, how about that?"

"It’s all right"

Maya leaves Abby’s room and lets her daughter go to the bathroom to take a shower.
As soon as she hears the water open, she takes her phone and makes a phone call.

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