that's how I met your mother

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"Mom, can you tell me the story how you and mamma met?", little Andrea asks.

"It’s okay, but after this story go to sleep because tomorrow you have school"

"All right, Mom"

Maya starts to tell.

"It was the year 2019 and I had just finished a very tiring work shift so I decided to go out for dinner with Aunt Andy and Aunt Vic.
We decide to eat in the usual place where we went every weekend and where an old friend of ours worked.
The place was not full because it was already late and many people were already at home sleeping, but shortly after a group of four girls about my age enter and sit in the table next to us..."

"Were those girls mom and aunt amelia, aunt jo and aunt teddy?"

"Yes love, very good"

"Come on"

" these girls come in and sit next to us and Mom and I keep looking at each other for most of the dinner but we haven’t talked.
After dinner the aunts and I returned home and all the way I complained to them that I could talk to your mom but I did not have the courage. Aunt Vic said she’d ask Aunt Jo, since they knew each other, her friend’s name so she could write her. Once Aunt Vic told me the name I could write but I didn’t because I was afraid, so for a few days I was thinking about that evening"

"I think you should have written her, Mom doesn’t eat people."

"I know love, you’re right"

"A few days later my aunts and I went to the beach where we accidentally met Mom and it was she who spoke to me for the first time. He asked if he could buy me something to eat because he wanted to meet me, so we had lunch. We spent hours talking and that’s how I found out that the next day she was supposed to leave for Italy and that she was only there for a holiday with her friends. I was a little hurt, but I was trying not to think about it.
By the end of the night, it was just me and her, and she drove me home because it was late. Once we arrived at my house we exchanged the phone number since, according to her, she had found herself well and wanted to continue talking to me and then she greeted me with a kiss on the cheek"

"Do you think mom liked you that much?"

"I don’t know but she says she was enchanted by my eyes"

"You have very beautiful eyes mom and I think mom was already in love"

"Thank you baby. I keep the story or do you want to sleep?"

"Continue, I want to know everything"

"So it’s been weeks and we still hadn’t talked. One day she writes to me saying she was going back to Seattle for a few days and that she wanted to see me again. We met again after four days and for dinner we went to the same place where we met for the first time. During dinner she tells me how she missed me and that she wanted to write me. It was raining outside the restaurant and she kissed me in the rain, just like in the movies. From that day we got together and between ups and downs, the pandemic, my jealousy and distance, two years had passed.
In these two years that we’ve spent without seeing each other, except on a video call, we’ve talked about the future and wanting to start a family. In 2020 she moved permanently to Seattle and we moved in together. During the New Year’s Eve dinner she proposed to me in front of my whole family and at that moment I was the happiest person in the world. After the wedding, we wanted to expand the family, so you were born."

"But then how I was born?"

"Mamma will tell you this story some other night, okay? Now sleep, it’s late"

"All right, good night, mom I love you so much"

"Good night, my love, I love you too"

The girl finally falls asleep and Maya can return to her wife’s arms.

"Hey, you’re finally back," says Carina

"Andrea wanted to tell the story of how we met"

"She wanted to know everything i bet"

"Obviously I avoided all the dirty details otherwise I would have traumatized our eight years daughter"

"Do you ever think that it’s been eight years since Andrea was born?"

"I think about it all the time and I can’t believe it’s been so long. You and the baby make me so happy and I couldn’t ask for anything better."

"Get ready because in eight months we will return to change diapers and wake up every night with the cry of our child"

"What? are you pregnant? when we did the test together it was negative," says Maya amazed but happy.

"I know, I went to tests this morning to make sure because I saw your sad look when you saw the test result at home"

"So we’ll be moms again"

"Yes my love, I love you very much"

"I love you more. okay let’s think about the name for our little muffin," says Maya giving Carina a kiss on the belly.

"If it’s a boy, do you like Liam?"

"Yes love, if it’s female do you like Chloe?"

"I love it"

"Now come to bed so we can cuddle?"

"Sure love, let’s go"

"I love you so much. You’re the love of my life"

"You know I love you more"


hi everyone <3
I didn't forget to update, I just wasn't very well but I'm back. I'm also writing another fanfic that I hope to publish soon and I hope you enjoy it almost as much as I'm enjoying writing it.
I hope you enjoyed this oneshot and I'll see you soon. Byee🫶🏻

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