let's have a baby

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Maya was headed to Carina’s office at Grey’s Sloan with two coffees and some donuts for her wife and having the day off she thought she’d visit her at work.

"Hey babe", Maya says as she walks into her wife’s office.

"Baby, what are you doing here? It's everything all right?"

"Yeah yeah, I just wanted to see you since we didn’t see each other this morning."

"Vieni qui"

Maya goes to her wife and leaves a kiss on her lips.

"I also brought you some donuts because I know you and I know you were late this morning and you didn’t have breakfast," says Maya, placing the donuts and coffee on the table.

"You know me so well"

The two women sit in the armchairs and start having breakfast together like they haven’t for a long time.

"I missed this," says Carina, drinking her coffee.

"What? Have breakfast together?"

"Yeah, usually when I wake up you’re running or you’re already at work."

"I promise that from tomorrow we will have breakfast together every morning, okay?" says Maya and Carina nods.

They continue to eat together, giving each other a kiss every now and then but not going further because they were in Carina’s workplace.
At some point they knock on the door.

"Come on," says Carina.

"Carina I need a favor...oh hello Maya. I interrupted something?" says Jo.

"No no no, come in"

"Would you do me a favor, please. Would you keep Luna for a few hours? I have surgery in ten minutes and she won’t stay in daycare this morning. Normally I’d ask Amelia, but she’s in surgery  and Teddy’s home with the flu."

"Sure, I don’t have any surgeries until the afternoon so I can keep Luna."

"Thank you so much, I owe you a favor. So here are the diapers, a change in case she gets dirty and her favorite toys"

"All right, we got this."

"Baby, Mom’s going to work now, but you’re going to be with auntie Carina and auntie Maya for a while. Hi girls, thank you", says Jo and then leave the office.

"Auntie Maya?" says Maya perplexed.

"Yeah, I’m auntie Carina, we’re married, so you’re auntie Maya."

"It makes sense"

The two women spend the morning playing with little Luna but every now and then Carina must leave to visit future mothers.

"You’re such a pretty little girl," says Maya at one of the times she’s alone with Luna.

"Here I am, back"

"Luna pooped, I wanted to change her but I don’t know where to start," says Maya desperate and Carina laughs.

"Come here, I’ll show you how"

"First, of course, you take off her dirty diaper and throw it in the trash, then you take the wipes and you clean her, you take the fissan high protection pasta because the diaper irritates the skin and then you put on the clean diaper," explains Carina.

"I thought it was harder"

Carina puts the baby on the ground and gives a kiss on the lips to her wife.

"I should go home now, baby, I’ll see you tonight, okay? Text me when you’re done," says Maya taking her jacket.

"All right, baby, see you tonight. Dammi un bacio."

Maya greets Carina with a kiss and Luna with a caress on her face.
The blonde leaves the hospital and calls Vic.

"I think I want a baby," Maya says as soon as her friend answers the phone.

"With me?" answers Vic joking.

"No silly, with Carina"

"But it’s great here you have to celebrate"

"No, Vic, I’m afraid. I’m afraid to become like my father"

"Maya, listen to me, you’re not your father."

"But what if I become one and make my son or daughter suffer?"

"The fact that you’re worrying about this proves you’re not like your father."

"Maybe you’re right. Please, for now don’t tell anyone that I told you this because I still have to tell Carina."

"You can count on it, I’m going now. Bye Maya"

"Bye Vic"

Once she gets home, Maya starts thinking about how to tell Carina.
Maya was sure that Carina would be so happy because having a baby has always been her biggest dream but she wanted to do something special for her wife.
He decides that he would prepare dinner for tonight also was not as good as his wife.

It was 2:00pm, and Carina was coming home at 7:45, so she had little time to prepare.
She decides to go to the grocery store  to buy all the ingredients for tonight’s dinner, flowers because she knows how much Carina loves them and then comes home to prepare everything.

It was 7:20pm and Maya was done setting up, all she had to do was set the table. She had decided to prepare chicken with peppers and for dessert cupcakes, she also bought Carina’s favorite wine.

"Honey, I'm home", Carina enters the house and is amazed by what Maya had prepared.

"Wow, what is all this?"

"Just a surprise to tell you that I love you very much. Here, these are for you," says Maya handing flowers to Carina.

"Love, they are beautiful thanks"

Carina gives Maya a kiss and then they both sit down to eat.

"So I wanted to talk to you about something," Maya says as soon as they’re done eating.

"About what?"

"Today when Jo brought us Luna I saw just how your eyes were shining and during the morning while we were playing with the baby I stopped to look at you and you were so happy that it made me think about one thing"

"Is that what I’m thinking it is?"

"Yeah, Let’s have a baby. I know I’m a mess and I’m terrified that I’m gonna be like my dad, but I swear I’m gonna go to therapy so I don’t ruin anything."

"You’re not a disaster, you’re a great person and I really love you, so yes let's do it, let's make a baby"


hi everyone :)
i hope you enjoyed this chapter. let me know what you think and i'll see you next week.🫶🏻

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