a letter for maya

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"So, when you’re gonna tell her?" Jo asks to Carina.

"Say what and to whom?"

"When will you tell Maya that you love her?” Jo asks exhausted.

Carina has been in love with Maya since the first time they spoke but the brunette doesn't have the courage to tell her and it's been two years.


"Carina, everyone in this hospital knows about your feelings for Maya. Why don't you want to tell her?"

“You're right but we all know Maya doesn't date anyone seriously and I don't just want a hookup with her.”

"But maybe you’re wrong"

"I don’t think so. I have a mom in labor and I need to check on her, see you later" Carina says greeting Jo.

Jo was thinking about her friend and the fact that she deserved to be happy with the woman she loves. At first he thinks she should not interfere in Carina’s life but then she thinks she wouldn’t do anything wrong.
She decides to send a message to Teddy and Amelia.

Jo:i need help with Carina.

Amelia:for what?

Jo:She’s so stubborn and doesn’t realize that Maya is in love with her, too.

Teddy:I can confirm. Yesterday Owen went to the station to talk to ben and he overheard Montgomery talking to Hughes about Maya and how she is in love with Carina.

Amelia:so what we do?

Jo:we invite Carina to have a drink with us at Joe's hoping that Maya will be there too.

After finishing the conversation with her friends Jo decides to send a message to Carina asking her if she would like to have a drink at Joe’s with Amelia and Teddy and Carina accepts.

The four friends meet outside the hospital and go to Joe’s together.
They sit down at a table and order their drinks and talk.

Maya was there too.
She was sitting with Andy, Vic and Travis drinking and talking after their shift ended but the blonde wasn’t listening to her friends because she was watching Carina laughting with her friends.

"she's so beautiful" Maya thinks.

"Maya is back in Carinaland" says Travis, taking the blonde back to planet Earth.


"We’ve been here for half an hour and you’ve been staring at Carina for 20 minutes. Go there and say hi to her"

"Vic’s right," Travis says

"I’m going now"

Maya gets up and walks to the table where Carina was sitting with her friends.

"Hey" Maya says

"Hello Maya"  Carina says followed by her friends.

"Do you want to sit with us?" Teddy asks.

"I’m actually here with Vic, Andy and Travis, but I can stay here for a while" Maya says, sitting next to Carina.

"You cut your hair"

"A little bit"

"They look good on you. You look beautiful" Maya says caressing  Carina’s hair and making her blush.

"Thank you bella"

Maya and Carina remain in their bubble for about fifteen minutes until Maya decides to return to her table.

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