mom is an angel now

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"Where is James? Where is my son?" a lady asks, screaming as soon as she leaves the burning house.

Maya leaves the lady under Warren’s care and heads for the entrance to the house but is stopped by Andy.

"Maya no, you can’t go back in there"

"Andy, I have to go back in there and save that child. I can’t leave him there."

"Maya you have a daughter. Please be careful"

"I’ll be quick and safe. Trust your captain."

Maya runs into the burning house and searches her again.

"James! James where are you? I'm Captain Maya Bishop. James where are you?"

Maya heads to what appears to be the child’s room and searches it again, only to find it inside a closet.

"Hi James. I'm Maya. Now I’m gonna get you out of here. Put this on," Maya says, taking off her jacket and making the kid  wear it and then give him his oxygen.

"Now I want you to run fast towards the exit, do you think you can?" Maya asks and the child nods as he runs towards the exit.

"Thank you, Captain"

Maya smiles and collapse on the floor. She must leave the house. She must do for Gracie and Carina, but she can’t.

Outside the house Andy tries to communicate with maya but nobody answers.

"Herrera to Bishop. Do you copy me?"


At some point they hear an explosion.

"MAYA", Andy scream.

"I need a gurney. WARREN"

"No pulse", Andy says and she starts CPR.

They load maya on the gurney and head to the greys Sloan.
After 15 minutes andy was still trying to revive maya without any result.

"Come on Maya, please wake up. Do it for Gracie and Carina. Please Maya", Andy says crying.

"Andy stop, she's gone", Warren says.

"No, no. I can’t lose another friend. Carina can’t lose her wife and Gracie can’t lose her mom".

"You’ve been trying to revive her for over 15 minutes, she’s gone. I'm so sorry", Warren says turning off the sirens.

Outside the hospital Dr Bailey was called in for an incoming trauma. As soon as she saw the Aid car from afar she noticed something strange.
Sirens off. There’s a dead person in there.

"It’s Bishop. Bishop is dead", Warren says crying and opening the door to get Andy off with Maya.

"I have to call Carina", Andy says taking Maya’s phone out of her pocket.

"Hi bambina. I have a mother in labor but I call you later, okay?", Carina says.

"Carina, it’s Andy"

"Oh, hi Andy. Where's Maya? Everything okay?"

"You should come down here in the waiting room.I’ll tell you everything"

Carina leaves Jo with the labor mother and come down, finding all the team crying.

"Where's Maya?", Carina aks panicking.

"Carina, I'm so sorry. I tried to stop her but it was in vain. She went back into that burning house to save a child, gave him her jacket and her oxygen, and then she didn’t come out. There was an explosion. I’m sorry, I...", Andy says in tears.

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