first easter in three

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"Carina what are you doing up at this hour? Come to bed, it’s almost midnight," Maya says as she enters the kitchen.

"I can’t, Easter is in two days and I still have to prepare the campanari"

"Campa what?"

"They are Easter sweets made in southern Italy, especially in Calabria and Sicily. My mother, Andrea and I prepared them every year since we were little but then my mother died and we haven’t made them anymore and since this is our first Easter in three I thought I’d make them," Carina says

"All right, babe, can I help you?"

"You should go to sleep"

"You know I can't sleep without you next to me, so let me help you"

"All right bambina. Can you weigh the flour, the sugar and the butter?"


"Now pour all the ingredients on the worktop while i take the yeast and the milk"

Maya does as she says while Carina pours the milk slowly into the dough.

"And now?"

"Now grate a lemon peel and put it together with the other ingredients so I can start kneading"

Carina knead until you get a homogeneous dough and then divide it in ten parts.

"Now we take the boiled eggs and we put an egg in the center of each bell ringer and then we put them in the oven"

"Honey, you should go to sleep. I’ll clean the kitchen."

Carina is about to respond when she hears little Liam crying from his bedroom.

"Looks like someone else wants to help us clean up"

Carina goes to get the baby and tries to calm him down"

"Baby, look what your moms have prepared," says Maya.

Carina picks up her phone and makes a video of her wife and son.

"Come here, sit on the couch with us," she says to her wife.

"I can’t believe that in two months Liam will be seems like yesterday we took him into foster care and now he’s finally our son. I love you both," Carina says as tears come out of her eyes.

"We love you, too, mommy," says Maya with a little voice and makes Carina laugh.

"We love you too, very much"

"He’s finally back to sleep, so it’s time for the three of us to go to bed," says Maya, taking her wife's hand and dragging her into the bedroom.

two days later

Today it was finally Easter and Carina was so excited because this would be their first Easter in three. She had invited their friends home for Easter lunch since they moved out in a bigger place.
Carina had decided to prepare all the lunch by herself, she had decided to bring some of her country in the Deluca-Bishop's home in fact she had prepared all the food she usually prepared with her mom and her brother.
While Carina was setting the table, as the guests were arriving soon, Maya was dressing little Liam.
After more than fifteen minutes, Maya and Liam both return dressed and perfumed just in time because they had rang the bell.
Carina goes to open.

"Where's my favorite person?", Amelia says entering in the living room.

"I'm right here. Are you blind?", Carina says joking.

"No silly, where's my nephew?"

Maya approaches Amelia and she takes Liam in her arms.
After a while the rest of the guests arrive and after the classic round of greetings to the little house they sit at the table to eat.
During lunch they laugh and joke as if they were a family and indeed it was so. Carina will always be grateful to their friends for supporting them during the trial for the adoption.

At the end of lunch Carina gets up to make a toast.

"I wanted to thank you first of all for coming today to spend Easter means a lot to us. Then I wanted to thank you all because you always support us and I have news for all of you. If you had fun today running after Liam know that in eight months we will have another Deluca-Bishop around the house", Carina finishes her speech and Maya gets up for hug her wife while everybody celebrate the news.

"We’re gonna be moms again," Maya says.

"Yes bambina, another baby Maya"

"I have a feeling it will be a girl and it will be a little Carina, with your eyes, your hair and your italian temper"

"I love you bambina"

"I love you, you, Liam and even this little cranberry inside you," Maya says giving a kiss to her wife and son and then lowering and kissing Carina’s belly.

If the Maya of the past saw this scene, she wouldn’t believe it. Now she has everything she has always wanted: a fantastic wife who loves more than herself, a son who loves more than everything and another child who will come soon and friends who are like her family.


Hi everyone :)
happy easter to all of you.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and let me know what you think<3

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