thank you ikea

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It's been a week since I move in my new apartment after my brother's death. The house where I lived before was his, we lived together and after his death I could not stay there, I could not.
So after a few weeks at my friend Amelia’s house, I decided to move into a new apartment.
Today I decided it will be my selfcare day, a day in which I take care of myself without stress.
I go to the bathroom and decide to make a face mask and sit on the couch. I get disturbed by the ringing bell. I snort, put on my slippers, forget about the mask still on my face, and go to answer.

"Who's that?"

"The courier, do I have a delivery for... Carina Deluca?"

"Coming", i open the door, I walk down the stairs and I see a woman with my packages next to her. She’s the most beautiful woman i've ever seen.
I look at her starting from her feet and climbing all over her body, until I meet her eyes, her beautiful blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, you must sign here"

Her voice interrupt my thoughts, I nood and I take the pen she was handle me.
I look away from her and think about how I’m going to get these packages to my apartment. I’ve never been an athletic person and I decided to move to a place without elevator.

"Do you need help?", she asks me.

"No, no thank you. I think I can take this upstairs"

Carina, you’re a liar.

"My shift is over and I’d love to help"

"Well, thank you", she smiles and I think I’m gonna pass out.

She starts taking packages and I notice her muscular arms. E che braccia, mamma mia. I’ll take her to my apartment, put the package down and come down again to get the last one.

"I really apologize for the trouble, but I needed this furniture urgently, I moved here recently," she smiles.

"and of course you won’t care, i'm so sorry".

Carina stop. Shut your mouth.

"Don't worry, really. Well, I have to go and who knows maybe the next time you order something I'll be the one to deliver it to you again", she smiles again.

"Thank you so much"

"My pleasure"

"And anyway the mask on your face looks good on you, it highlights your beautiful eyes", she says walking towards the exit.

Was she flirting with me?

Shit, I forgot to take off my mask before I opened the door. She saw me with a fucking mask on my face before she could see me naked.
God, I’m a disaster.

To distract me from those beautiful blue eyes that until a few minutes ago I was admiring, I open one of the boxes and take the instructions trying to mount what seems to be a table.

"Why the hell isn’t this leg straight? It’s all falling off."

I decide to leave it alone and call my best friend.

"Come tomorrow and help me assemble the furniture please," I say.

"Hello Carina. I’m fine. you?"

"Come on, Amelia, please."

"Alright, tomorrow at 4pm I’ll be at yours"

"Thank you, I owe you a favor"

"Actually, you owe me more than one, but it’s okay. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow"

the next day...


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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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