𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡

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The journey to Liyue was silent. No one dared to utter a word around the presence of the 4th lord harbinger and the bride she was accompanying, even to the point they try to hold their breaths at night time whenever the young bride sobs her heart out after every nightmare that consumes her sleep.

Most of them had formed mixed opinions on Y/n during their time spent traveling with her; some pity her, some dislike her for her sensitiveness, but then you have those who admire her for her beauty and gentle demeanor, but that's probably on the end of The Balladeer's subordinates alone. Afterall, they all had enough of their 6th lord harbinger's daily verbal torment.

Arlecchino meanwhile, stuck herself to poor Y/n like super glue. She couldn't leave her on her own, especially at night. The poor young lady had endured more than enough torment in her life for the nightmares she experienced on this trip alone, and to think that she's personally escorting a young woman to an artificial brat who could induce even more torment for her.

She just wished she would have done something. She really did.

But knowing Y/n, she would beg her to not do anything on her behalf. She was too easy to succumb to whatever fate or destiny is assigned to her, and without question as well. It was as if she had no free will of her own.

Almost like a puppet forever bounded by its strings.

"My lord, we are approaching Liyue Harbor." An agent bows down to Arlecchino, "Your orders?"

"We head for Northland bank. Now. The Balladeer could be getting impatient for all we know."

Y/n could only watch as she blindly listens to the exchange between the agent and Arlecchino, grimacing with worry as she could only think of the consequences of today. They were already a few days late to the agreed meeting date for her to formally be welcomed in as the Balladeer's wife. The reason? They had to make a few stops during their journey because of her recurring nightmares.

As silly as the reason was, it took a huge toll on Y/n's physical health and mental well-being. Each time she experiences a nightmare, the following would be the possible outcomes; vomiting, panic attacks, and/or mental/emotional breakdowns. It's either of these choices, or all of the mentioned outcomes in any order.

"The young lady, my lord? She hasn't slept a wink since last night." The agent worryingly points out, glancing towards Y/n who had an exhausted look on her face.

"Oh, It's fine! I can just- uhm..."

"Don't force yourself, Y/n. We can book you a hotel room right now to rest." Arlecchino offers with a kind smile, her hand carefully tracing over Y/n's face.

"I'm fine, Aunty Arle, but I want to meet him today." She begged, her hands gently pushing away Arlecchino, "I want to see him."

Arlecchino never had the heart to say no to Y/n before, showing her favor towards her compared to her children in the house of the Hearth. Was it her innocence that swayed her? Or perhaps the fact that she is the spitting image of her late mother? She couldn't guess the answer for herself.

And so, without any delay, they made their way to Northland bank, but not without the noticeable stares of the locals towards Y/n, of course. Her appearance alone had already captured and attracted much attention, especially with her face.

Climbing the stairs leading towards the bank, Y/n could observe the amount of Fatui agents roaming around as if they owned the place. It seems that not many locals come up to these parts as well. The intimidation the Fatui brings never faltered once. Just like how Arlecchino is whenever she arrives at Fontaine to visit her and the Children of the House of the Hearth.

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