Chapter: Shadow

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"Is it too much to ask to just listen to my side for once? Why couldn't she just stop to think, for even a second, that there could have been a mistake?"

Cyrus rambled on and on groggily with childish hand gestures as the green-fit stranger gently stroked his hair, her gentle soft fingers gliding through his black locks and a soft smile beaming down on his face as he laid his head on her lap.

"It just doesn't make sense how quickly she threw me away, as if she always wanted an excuse to hate me."

"Now now~ You can never know what someone is truly thinking, not even your loved ones." Her voice had a whispering touch that would soothe his anger whenever it would flare up.

"Right...I thought I knew her...I'm probably just wasting my time worrying about her."

"You don't think that."

"Why would you know?" He opened one eye to look at her radiant golden glare.

"You said that you've had this sort of relationship with her for 10 years. You could have given up on supporting her a long time ago."

She brushed his hair aside to see his eyes more properly.

"You love her like any older brother would a sister. If you give up now, it would in fact be a waste."

"What do I even do?"

"Do what you can, what you've already been doing. If you think it's the right course, then just let fate chart the path for you."

"That's such fortune cookie-ass advice..."

"But it makes you feel hopeful doesn't it..?" She giggled and stroked his cheek.



"Tired?" She asked.

"Possibly...I've been talking for hours."

"You had a lot to say."

"I don't even know why I vented out to a complete stranger that lives in my garden, for some reason..."

"A stranger can be a good soundboard. You feel more cautious around the people you care about but there's nothing to feel for the people you don't know~"

Cyrus yawned widely and subconsciously nuzzled the hand that caressed his face.

"You can've had a rough day."

"You're going to be gone when I wake up, aren't you...?"

"Perhaps. But you'll find me again, I know you don't mind a little detective work~"




You've stepped through tarnished legacies.

And much to his dissatisfaction, he was awakened the next morning by the burning sunlight on his face.

A gentle blink of his eyes and a groan. He hoisted himself up from the grassy ground and held his face, a certain lightheadedness welcomed him first thing in the morning.

"Had a nice night?"

He snapped at the voice next to him with a knife out but stopped when he saw Mica sitting on a garden chair with a bottle of water in hand.

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