Chapter 2: Tread Lightly

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"M didn't come with you?"

"She did the first time...she sat in the car but today I just went for it myself."

Jay handed the girl a cup of coffee, they sat the dining room table and confined themselves from the others.

"It's weird...I didn't think it was this late, I could have sworn I came in the morning." She looked out the window to see the deep orange of the afternoon light.

"Ahem...yeah, guess time flies. And well, it's also kinda my fault for not just..." He sighs and sits back down opposite to her.

"I wouldn't blame you..." She dipped her head, staring at her indistinguishable reflection in the coffee.

They remain silent and unsure. Not knowing what to do or say at this time, it was clear who had to be the one talking.

"...but, you still did." She looked up at him. "Why?"

"Well, you were there for a while. I had-"

"No. I mean seriously, why? Why still open up...leave a chance for me, after all these years?"

"I'm your older brother. It's my job."

"Don't give me that!" She slammed the table. "None of that counts for all those years we've lived like this! Nothing has been fair between us for the past 10 years and you keep ignoring that!"

"Nothing's changed since the day you were born."

What he said left the girl in utter shock, not really understanding where this came from or what it meant. He decided to expand on it further.

"When I first saw you, your face never showed anything other than disinterest in me, even for being a newborn. You only reacted to the things mom and dad told you, other than that, I was nothing but an inconvenience to you from the very beginning. It stayed like that, from school, to the day they died, infact it only worsened from there on, when I was framed for killing one of the only two people who actually loved me." He bore a slow boiling destructive gaze up at her.

"So...let me be the asshole for once and ask, why? Did I unintentionally do something to you? Was it because of those times I got us into trouble because I got rid of some bullies?"

"It's not..."

"What is it then?"

Claire let go of a rough shakey sigh, sliding back to her seat and clenching her short locks.

"It won't sound like a true reason but...I never knew how to express myself...I never did. All those years in school, we were always bullied, always the target for other people's fun...instead of sticking with you through those times...I chose to believe that you were the problem and then- I just...- I just assumed that's why I never liked you. We were just unlucky people but my stupid brain didn't want to blame myself or mom and dad over it..." She nodded to herself, as if telling herself that she should feel this shame that's crushing her by the shoulders.

She then swiped back up. "So yeah...there is no logical reason behind it all. I'm just a horrible... horrible person." She said before sucking in air through her teeth, a different means to try and stop any tears that might break away.

"I'm not saying all of this for sympathy, you just need to know the truth of it all. I'm still bad at saying what I feel but when I met got better, she actually made me feel something inside. Mom and dad never understood what was wrong with my emotions but her...she somehow ripped apart the monster I was and made me finally see what was wrong with me...I saw how her family treated each other, how she treated them. All of it was just a spit to my face. Making me realize that there was only one person who actually loved me...and I neglected him all my life."

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