Chapter: Void and Wits

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[If you want you can reread the last chapter because when on release, it didn't upload the images I added for the Council girls, but now they should be there.]

Who are you?




"When you said 'night,' I thought we'd be moving at midnight....isn't this a bit early?'

Amelia questioned as she pressed a finger on her ear.

"We need to wrap this up as quick as we can. I don't want you staying up late and end up not being full energy for tomorrow's stream." Cyrus answered.

"What're you, my dad?"

She was dressed rather casually from her usual attire with a large jacket covering her up. In the midst of the loud city, she found herself downtown and calmly scanning her surroundings. Only a short while later did she stumble upon a rather high quality looking store.

Pressing her earpiece again, she squinted and remained across the street to the store.

"I'm at the place... it's kinda hard to think this is it but it's also genius."

She looked at the bright neon lit board of a pawn shop named 'Sun Diamond.'

"I guess not all cultists are stupid as they make themselves out to be, but given how I dealt with them last time...they're a significant amount of stupid -- Just get in there and do what you have to do."

"I really hope feeding you info is gonna be worth it. I don't wanna end up dying just yet."

"You and I both know you're not letting that happen."

"Heh, yeah, just thought I'd get a reaction."

Watson finally sucked up her snickering and headed over to the store. A short jiggle of a bell once through the door, she was relieved to see that not many people were here aside a single customer and two people tending to their respective counters.

She locked in on the least occupied person and made her approach with a half effort smile.

"Evening, lady. Want to look at something or do you got something for me, haha..!" A tall middle aged man greeted her.

"That depends, are there going to be camera crews around me when I have something of value?"

Her words got another laugh out of the man. "Naahhh I'm never letting any TV show crew ruin my reputation here."

"Good then! Because..." Amelia slipped her hand into her back. "I want to test my luck with this..."

She placed a folded piece of paper on the counter. The man glanced between her and the page before carefully opening it.

It was a very old and tattered looking page, the texture didn't even feel like paper to him. Using a small lense, he examined it from top to bottom and the indescribable text before him.

"Ma'am...this is..."

"A bargaining chip."

The two slightly leaned in to a whisper.

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