Chapter 2: Crackdown

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[This one might end up being a shorter Chapter]







"There's no fucking away that guy deleted our powers...!" Calli grunted as she tried pulling her scythe out of the wall.

"Eeeewwww. Why are my teeth so flat?" Gura kept on poking at her mouth.

"Boss, powers out."
"They completely trashed the breakers."

The two maids reloaded and re-equipped themselves as they relayed whatever info they could about the house's condition.

"Think it's best we get out of here. Obviously the mansion isn't a safe place anymore, especially since we don't have the advantage anymore." Jay sighed as he looked around at the mess the house was in.

It was already getting a bit dark out which put a time limit on their next move.

"Alright, pull yourself together girls. Let's get out of the danger zone first before we worry about other thing --- CAN SOMEONE PLEASE GET THIS WOMAN SOME CLOTHES!? GOD!"

Jay yelled when his eyes glossed over Kiara who was sitting on the floor, uncaring for the way she had her legs crossed whole wearing a towel.

"Jeez, you don't have to whine this much. You're making me think I actually look ugly."

"Nah, he's just worried he'll have a third gun to carry around if he stares too long."

"I will shoot you." The ticked off assassin poked Calli at the back of her head with his pistol.

She nudged his hand away with a loud scoff then offered Kiara her outer cloak. The Phoenix wore it then tied the towel down at her waist. Not the most reliable attire but it was better than what they had.


"Ina." Amelia came up to the still slouched girl. "Come on we're moving-"

"Don't touch me!" She swatted her hand away then stood up herself.

"Woah! Relax! What was that about?!" Amelia rubbed the back of her hand.

"What this is about?! All of this is your fault, and HIS!" She addressed Jay.

Everyone was stripped of their words (shut up Kiara). They truly were facing a completely different person, not mentioning the fact that Ina now looked like a normal girl. Her anger was an extreme rarity, even on streams if she were ever ticked off, she would just laugh it out or sigh...but this was not those times.

"How could you do this to me?! My entire life was built around protecting the secrets of the book! I wasted years and years with these voices in my head telling me that if I ever swayed off my duty, humanity is GONE! And you guys decide to ruin everything behind my back!"


Amelia made another approach to try and calm her down but was met with the same response. She was shoved away and Ina proceeded to clench her head.

"I can't hear them anymore....They'll start acting on their own...all my life's efforts....a waste...ha! It was a waste....hahaha...! They're going to destroy everything...!"

"Ina! Slow down!" Gura came up to her from behind and shook her by the shoulders. "You still have the book don't you? You can reverse this!"

"I SUMMON the book! It belonged to me that way since! It's gone!!"

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