Chapter: Empire

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But who are you to trample on sanctuary?




I guess I should probably be a bit more clearer about what happened when I left home.

Back home, my life was kind of suffocating. Being an important center of attention of the family didn't really sit well with me but I still went through with it.

There was always some title to uphold, some responsibility to call mine, someone always coming to our door to just meet me. Come to think of it, it was a wild life but I never really said no to any of it. I didn't like it for sure but back then I wasn't the awesome wayward shark I am now, I'd accept everything thrown at me and nod my head, I took up what was supposedly my job in life and kept on going.

It was all because mom and dad, they knew I didn't like the way my life was and always said that it'll all be worth it eventually. I just needed a bit more patience.

I was pretty open to the cringey feels so I believed them. I stopped caring about how many years went by, doing the same thing over and over again but eventually?

I don't remember how we ended up there but somehow, mom and dad managed to slip me away onto the shores and well...that's where they told me that I'm allowed the choice to be free.

Free to do what I want, free to find out what's more out there that I'll actually like because it wasn't on the island. I always took dives and explored the depths but never...left.

And at that time, they told me to make that choice.

...So it wasn't really a lie when I said that I left because I got bored of the vibe, but I left without any regrets. Or at least that's what I felt until now...

I'm feeling home sick, somehow, after a few thousand years of being away, I'm missing it all.



"Wait wait wait, back up...!" Cyrus raised his hands up in a stop gesture. "Atlantis is still an actual island? I thought it was underwater."

"That's kind of a misconception. For as long as I've lived it's always been on land.  All the history reports about it sinking into the ocean weren't really true but rather used as a cover up to disconnect it's existence."

"But you're literally a shark." Calli poked Gura's cheek with the tip of her scythe.

"Well that's just because my dad is Poseidon. 'The king of Atlantis made the the lands home to all races, sea creatures and humans of old. His power so great that those from the waters could survive on his lands alone.' is what those testament books I had to read told me." Gura looked at her tail then smirked as it flapped. "Guess he belonged to the sea too."

"And you said you've been away for a 'few' thousand years." Amelia tapped her chin. "What makes you think it still exists?"

"If I'm still here then my home is here too." Gura muttered those words more so to herself rather than answering Watson.

The group then heard a sudden gag as everyone seated looked to their left to find Ina curled in her chair.

"I kind of regret not being able to teleport to places now..." She placed her hand on her mouth.

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