EP 6 - Good Intentions

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"You're Zhang Hao? The main performer Zhang Hao?" ask Taerae.

The Chinese boy nod. Jiwoong, Gyuvin and Taerae startled. They thought the genius main performer was some kind of unattractive dork, not a beautiful boy like the one who sit in front of them. In their eyes the Chinese boy radiates bright lovely aura.

"I thought you look like some kind of genius geek.. Ouch!" Gyuvin innocently comment on Zhang Hao's look but immediately elbowed by Taerae.

"What he's trying to say is, you're beautiful" Jiwoong once again send his killer smile to Zhang Hao, he even reach out his hand try to touch the Chinese boy blushing cheeks. But his action was stopped by Hanbin.

"And you're trying to scare him" say Hanbin catching Jiwoong hand and sending deadly looks to him.

The older one quickly catch on his best friend protective gesture. He then retreat and leaned back in his chair, folding his hands on his chest. Watching Hanbin and Zhang Hao interaction with a smirk on his face.

"How you both know each other?" ask Taerae cautiously, he too notice Hanbin defensive act towards the new boy.

"We met at the Concert Director office. Hanbin ask me to join him for lunch, he shared about how he prepared his performance as last year main performer" explain Zhang Hao.

Taerae steal a glance at the chaebol, his mouth forming a big "O". The vocalist finally catch on the situation. He too then join Jiwoong, sat back in silence and watching the chaebol and the violinist. Gyuvin still bubbly excited meeting the new main performer, he inform Zhang Hao new information about the F4.

"This is a fate, we all meet today. We all are this year performer. Do you know it?" ask Gyuvin to Zhang Hao.

The Chinese boy shakes his head. He haven't got the chance to study all of the performer. He didn't know that the F4 also this year's concert performers. Gyuvin then proceed to tell him more.

"Taerae will represent Singing department, he will have a solo stage. He's the best singer from his department. This is the second year he perform for the concert. Jiwoong Hyung represent Acting major, he and his friends will perform a short play. He'll act as the main actor for the play, he will act as serial killer. He's so talented he was once scouted by entertainment agency. And lastly me and Hanbin will represent Modern Dance department, we will have a duo dance routines. This is the first time I'll perform for the concert, second time for Hanbin since he was last year main performer. But I believe our duo will defeat all other dance numbers at the concert" say Gyuvin excitedly.

Zhang Hao can only nod, trying to absorb Gyuvin fast pace explanation. In the violinist eyes Gyuvin look exactly like a beagle dog. Cheerful with big bright eyes, the Chinese boy swear he can see an imaginary tail wagging from Gyuvin behind.

"You have to meet with the other performers. We always make a get together party before the concert" say Gyuvin.

"Really? When will it held?" ask Zhang Hao interested.

"Usually it held a week before the concert. Every year the main performer host the party. Last year Hanbin held it at a rooftop hotel bar"

Gyuvin continue happily sharing his knowledge not noticing Zhang Hao face turns pale. Taerae who sit beside Gyuvin once again elbowed him.

"Aw! What that's for?" the dancer glare at the vocalist. Taerae sigh looking at how clueless Gyuvin is, he then point out Zhang Hao's appearance wtih his chin. Trying to make his friend grab the sense that the violinist isn't a person who will able to hold such lavish party.

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