Chapter 11- Explanations and allegations

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With the threat momentarily subdued, Natasha and Steve wasted no time in ushering Morgan away from the chaos of the marketplace. Their steps quickened as they navigated the bustling streets, their senses heightened and adrenaline coursing through their veins.

Yelena, remained close behind, her phone capturing every step of their harrowing escape.

As they neared the safety of the Avengers Tower, Natasha's mind raced with a flurry of thoughts and emotions. The encounter had shaken them to their core, revealing vulnerabilities they had long sought to conceal.

Upon reaching the tower, they were greeted by the familiar faces of their fellow Avengers, each one offering silent support and understanding in the wake of their ordeal. Tony enveloped Morgan in a tight embrace, relief flooding his features as he took in the sight of his daughter safe and unharmed.
"Morgan, sweetheart, are you okay? What happened?"

Morgan, still shaken but safe in her father's arms, nodded solemnly. "I'm okay, Daddy aunt Nat and uncle Steve protected me."

Clint fixed his gaze on Natasha and Steve. "What the hell happened out there?"Steve sat down putting his head in his hands.

Natasha sighed, her shoulders sagging with exhaustion as she recounted the events of their encounter in the marketplace. "We were ambushed by the man I've been tracking. He mistook Morgan for our daughter and things escalated from there."she bowed her head.

Thor, nodded solemnly. "We must remain vigilant. Our enemies will stop at nothing to exploit our vulnerabilities."

Bruce his expression grave, chimed in, "We need to tighten security measures. This incident proves that our enemies are getting bolder."

As the discussion unfolded, Steve's distress was palpable, his usually stoic personality betraying a turmoil of emotions brewing beneath the surface. His gaze flickered to Natasha, a silent plea for understanding and reassurance.

Wanda, ever perceptive, sensed Steve's unease and stepped forward, her voice gentle but resolute. "Steve, perhaps it's time for you to accompany Natasha on her undercover missions. Together, you can watch each other's backs and ensure that no harm comes to either of you." This was a part of her Bucky and Sam's plan.
This was perfect timing.

Steve's jaw clenched, his reluctance evident as he struggled to contain his emotions. "I don't want Natasha anywhere near those men," he finally admitted, his voice laced with frustration and concern.His boldness made a few Avengers Rai's their eyebrows in confusion.

Natasha reached out, her hand finding Steve's in a silent gesture of solidarity. "Steve, I can take care of myself," she reassured him, her voice firm but gentle. "But having you by my side would mean everything to me."Steve sighed looking at nat.

Their teammates watched on, silent witnesses to the unspoken bond between Natasha and Steve.
As the weight of their decision settled over them, Steve nodded slowly, his resolve firm. "I'll go with you, Nat"Nat smiled at him before grabbing his hand and dragging him out the room, leaving the others confused.

As Natasha and Steve silently left the room, a wave of confusion washed over the assembled Avengers. Wanda exchanged a puzzled glance with Clint, while Bucky's brow furrowed in concern. Sam shifted uncomfortably, his gaze lingering on the spot where Natasha and Steve had stood moments before.

Tony never one to shy away from the drama, spoke up first. "What's going on? Where are they going?"

Bruce Banner shrugged, his expression mirroring the collective confusion in the room. "I'm not sure. They didn't say anything."

Thor, ever the optimist, attempted to lighten the mood with a forced smile. "Perhaps they needed some time alone. They'll be back soon enough."

Rhodey, ever the voice of reason, remained skeptical. "Something doesn't feel right" he looked around the room for people who would agree.

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